How to Survive a Plague: The Inside Story of How Citizens and Science Tamed AIDS Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

David France
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

How to Survive a Plague: The Inside Story of How Citizens and Science Tamed AIDS Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

David France
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the How to Survive a Plague: The Inside Story of How Citizens and Science Tamed AIDS Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was nominated as the leader of the newly formed GMHC?
(a) Paul Popham.
(b) David Webster.
(c) Michael Callen.
(d) Lawrence K. Altman.

2. How much money did GMHC receive from state AIDS contracts in Albany for "public information" on February 27, 1985?
(a) $67,034.
(b) $183,000.
(c) $231,000.
(d) $95,000.

3. What position did Tom Ho have at the Native when he took ill?
(a) Assistant editor.
(b) Lead editor.
(c) Advertizing director.
(d) Assistant art director.

4. Who was the New York City health commissioner in March of 1985?
(a) Dr. David Sencer.
(b) Dr. Richard Failla.
(c) Dr. James Mason.
(d) Dr. Michael Callen.

5. What was the total death tally of AIDS patients in February of 1983?
(a) 332.
(b) 612.
(c) 418.
(d) 534.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who oversaw the magazine Christopher Street in late 1983?

2. What was the author doing an internship for when he first visited New York City?

3. Before the spread of AIDS, Kaposi's sarcoma struck how many Americans out of every three million, according to the author in Part 1, Chapter 1?

4. Who was the founder of West End Records and the owner of the welfare hotel where the GMHC established as their first permanent home?

5. Who was the Catholic Church's attorney who met with reporters in Judge Alvin Klein's office, as described in Part 2, Chapter 3?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was Jane Teas the first to discover in AIDS research?

2. What is GMHC and how was it founded?

3. How many people still die of AIDS every year around the globe (as of the book's publication in 2016)? Why?

4. Who is Richard Berkowitz and what led him to activism?

5. What is Burroughs Wellcome and why is it significant?

6. When was the first news of the plague that would later be called AIDS revealed in a noted media publication? What information was revealed?

7. How is Dr. Robert Yarchoan's Phase I trial on AZT described?

8. What does GRID mean and where did this term originate?

9. Who was Mathidle Krim and what led her to AIDS research?

10. What is significant about John O'Connor's instillation as archbishop of New York in 1984?

(see the answer keys)

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