How to Read Nonfiction Like a Professor Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Thomas C. Foster
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 191 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

How to Read Nonfiction Like a Professor Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Thomas C. Foster
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 191 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 1: Chapter 1, "The Structure of Nonaction Information" through Chapter 4, "The Parts You Don't Read".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which form discussed in Chapter 3, "The Power of the Prologue," is generally not written by the author of the main piece of writing?
(a) Prologue.
(b) Introduction.
(c) Preface.
(d) Foreward.

2. In Chapter 3, "The Power of the Prologue," why is "foreward" spelled with an "e" instead of as we usually see it, "forward"?
(a) This is a proofreading error in the text.
(b) The spelling "foreward" is a British spelling, like "flavour," and is therefore an accepted alternate spelling.
(c) Foster is using an unconventional spelling to draw attention to the idea "fore," which means "ahead."
(d) Without the "e," the word means a direction; with the "e," it means a piece of writing that comes ahead of another.

3. In Chapter 4, "The Parts You Don't Read," what part of a text does Foster say is "under-read"? (39).
(a) The table of contents.
(b) Titles.
(c) The index.
(d) Introductions.

4. In Chapter 2, "The Ecology of the Nonfiction Biosphere," what does Foster say is the difference between "hard news" and "soft news"?
(a) Hard news is focused on difficult truths; soft news is about making the reader feel good.
(b) Hard news is fact-focused, basic news gathering; soft news is generally lengthier and less objective.
(c) Hard news is focused on statistics and data; soft news is focused on investigations and exposés.
(d) Hard news is truth-focused; soft news permits some inaccuracy.

5. In Chapter 2, "The Ecology of the Nonfiction Biosphere," what does Foster call the "second draft of history"?
(a) Editorial columns.
(b) Magazine stories.
(c) Textbooks.
(d) Newspaper articles.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 1, "The Structure of Nonfiction Information," what are the "four Ps" that Foster discusses?

2. In Chapter 1, "The Structure of Nonfiction Information," what does Foster mean when he uses the word "dichotomy"?

3. In Chapter 2, "The Ecology of the Nonfiction Biosphere," what does Foster say is true of the sports section?

4. In Chapter 3, "The Power of the Prologue," what does Foster say distinguishes the prologue from a preface?

5. In Chapter 3, "The Power of the Prologue," Foster mentions a "squib." What is a squib, in this context?

(see the answer key)

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