How to Make Love Like A Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale Test | Final Test - Easy

Jenna Jameson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

How to Make Love Like A Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale Test | Final Test - Easy

Jenna Jameson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the How to Make Love Like A Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Jay drove up from ___________ to get her and to take her to his house.
(a) Los Angeles.
(b) Phoenix.
(c) Elko.
(d) Las Vegas.

2. Jenna writes in her diary that the ___________________ has happened.
(a) Best thing in the world.
(b) Happiest thing in the world.
(c) End of her life.
(d) Worst thing in the world.

3. What is the drug of choice of Nikki and Jenna when they decide to go on the road?
(a) Vicodin.
(b) Meth.
(c) Percocet.
(d) Heroin.

4. Jenna writes in her diary that she has now moved to _____________, that she is popular, and that some still do not like her.
(a) Montana.
(b) Washington.
(c) Oregon.
(d) Idaho.

5. Jenna now wanted to __________, but will not do it because of her father.
(a) Shoot heroin.
(b) Become a nun.
(c) Die.
(d) Steal.

6. What was a big part of Jenna's job at Wicked Productions when she worked there?
(a) Lighting.
(b) Promotion.
(c) Makeup.
(d) Recruiting new girls.

7. Where did Jay and Jenna shoot the retake of the pop shot since they were having troubles in the studio?
(a) A bus station.
(b) Their bedroom.
(c) A bathroom.
(d) The kitchen.

8. Who was the man who was terrified of Jenna, which made her all the more excited about him?
(a) Joseph.
(b) Roger.
(c) Terrence.
(d) Jordan.

9. Jenna realized she could not use ___________ until she broke her hymen.
(a) The pill.
(b) Tampons.
(c) Thongs.
(d) Condoms.

10. What does Jenna write in her diary that she is happy she has finally started?
(a) Her photo shoot.
(b) Her period.
(c) Her last book.
(d) Her senior year.

11. What was the name of the web site that Jenna and Jay set up on their own?

12. At which club did Jenna work as the feature dancer after the convention and meeting Jay?
(a) Crazy Girls.
(b) Wild Revue.
(c) Crazy Horse Too.
(d) Girls, Girls, Girls.

13. Jenna called the office of _______________ to make an appointment and they signed her the day of her appointment.
(a) Wicked Productions.
(b) Luscious Productions.
(c) Desire Movies.
(d) Lust Pictures.

14. Jenna decided that since Rod took her to _____________, she should give him a chance.
(a) Work.
(b) Hospital.
(c) Her first photo shoot.
(d) Awards show.

15. Where did Jenna book a dancing gig for herself the following night, trying to get a control of her life again?
(a) Miami.
(b) Los Angeles.
(c) New York.
(d) Las Vegas.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jenna decide to do because of a comment a reporter makes about her?

2. What is the day that Jenna takes off every single year since it is her mother's birth date?

3. Steve tried to remind Jenna that she was a ___________ and had to start thinking of her actions.

4. What does Jenna do before she returns to Miami for her shows?

5. Which celebrity reminded her of her brother, and while they had a nice relationship, he was not discreet?

(see the answer keys)

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