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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Barto and Francescho travel to what city in order to "see the processions" (61)?
2. As Francescho stands in a museum looking at his own work and that of other artists after having traveled in time, what century is it?
3. When Francesco tells a story about a stranger she had known for only "10 minutes," (83) what was NOT an action done to her by the stranger?
4. Francescho recalls lying on the ground and being found by which character when she was near death?
5. In what capacity did the boy Francescho called "the pickpocket" (95) go to work for Francescho?
Short Essay Questions
1. What had Francescho's father done for a living and how had Francescho worked under his tutelage?
2. Describe Francescho's reaction to an aspect of technology in the modern world.
3. In what way is the novel How to Be Both a piece of interactive fiction?
4. Which element of the fresco in Borse's palace had the Falcon insisted must be changed in order to avoid the wrath of Borse and others?
5. With whom had Francescho spent her final moments and what is revealed to be the fate of this character?
6. What is Francescho's attitude toward the painter called Cosmo?
7. What name does Francesco's father recommend she take and for what reason does she reject his suggestion?
8. Name two themes contained in one quote within the novel's Epigraph section.
9. What story does Francescho recount about "the infidel worker" (83) whose likeness she had eventually painted into Borse's fresco?
10. What insights does Francescho provide into the subversive elements of her artwork?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Analyze the ways in which the themes of adaptability and resignation appear within Smith’s novel How to Be Both. What message is Smith sending about these two themes over the course of the narrative?
Essay Topic 2
What is the function of H's character within the novel? Discuss the characterization methods used by Smith in depicting H and include in your discussion the reasons that Smith portrays H in these particular ways.
Essay Topic 3
Examine the novel How to Be Both from an Existential perspective. What elements of life does it suggest hold the most meaning and why?
This section contains 1,343 words (approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page) |
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