How to Be Both Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Ali Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

How to Be Both Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Ali Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Francesco chooses her male name in part because which member of her family had a name starting with the letter F?
(a) Her brother.
(b) Her mother.
(c) Her grandmother.
(d) Her uncle.

2. What had young Francesco expected her father to do once he overcame his grief enough to confront her about wearing her mothers' clothes?
(a) She had expected him to curse at her.
(b) She had expected him to send her to her room.
(c) She had expected him to beat her.
(d) She had expected him to turn away from her.

3. According to Francescho, what name had she given to the first horse she ever purchased?
(a) Mattone.
(b) Bedeverio.
(c) Ettore.
(d) Zerbino.

4. What word does Francescho consistently shorten in a modern way throughout the her first-person narration of Eyes?
(a) Okay.
(b) Miniature.
(c) Because.
(d) Disagree.

5. Francescho tells the reader about a time in her early childhood when she had cried about which object's disappearance?
(a) A rainbow.
(b) A ripple.
(c) A cloud.
(d) A shooting star.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who became concerned that Francescho's work was getting too lifeless and gloomy?

2. Francescho comes to believe that the teenage girl she is observing unseen is experiencing which emotion?

3. For what amount of time had young Francescho worn her late mother's clothing before her father confronted her?

4. With what quality does Francesco associate a "turned back" (7)?

5. Francesco finally is able to recall that she had died from what malady?

Short Essay Questions

1. For what reason had Francescho eventually been banned from the brothel in Reggio?

2. What crime did Cosmo likely commit the night after his first encounter with Francescho?

3. Describe the first meeting between Cosmo and Francescho.

4. Which element of the fresco in Borse's palace had the Falcon insisted must be changed in order to avoid the wrath of Borse and others?

5. What story does Francescho recount about "the infidel worker" (83) whose likeness she had eventually painted into Borse's fresco?

6. What assumption does Francescho make about the person she observes looking at a painting in the museum and what event makes her sure that she had been mistaken?

7. What is "the rite of Mnemosyne" (127) and who proposed its use to Francescho?

8. What had Francescho's father done for a living and how had Francescho worked under his tutelage?

9. For what reason did the protagonist of Eyes have need of a new name?

10. What evidence does Francescho provide for her claim that there were other women in Renaissance-era Italy who posed as men in order to pursue careers in art?

(see the answer keys)

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