How to Be Both Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ali Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

How to Be Both Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ali Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Francescho recalls lying on the ground and being found by which character when she was near death?
(a) Barto.
(b) Isotta.
(c) Cosmo.
(d) Ercole.

2. Which of Francescho's acquaintances did she NOT include as a Grace within Borse's fresco?
(a) Aguola.
(b) Isotta.
(c) Her mother.
(d) Ginevra.

3. Francescho sees the two siblings in the museum taking what action together?
(a) Playing cards.
(b) Reading.
(c) Whispering.
(d) Dancing.

4. With what type of poem does Francescho end the section of text entitled Eyes?
(a) Villanelle.
(b) Couplet.
(c) Shaped.
(d) Limerick.

5. The "infidel" (84) stranger called Francesco a term in his own language meant to denote Francesco's tendency to take what action in relation to others' "expectations" (84)?
(a) Defy.
(b) Destroy.
(c) Embroider.
(d) Exceed.

6. As Francescho stands in a museum looking at his own work and that of other artists after having traveled in time, what century is it?
(a) The 15th.
(b) The 20th.
(c) The 21st.
(d) The 16th.

7. Which character is NOT named when Francescho lists her top three most influential artists?
(a) Alberti.
(b) Cosmo.
(c) Cennini.
(d) Cristoforo.

8. Around which object did Francescho paint "a gathering of working women" (110)?
(a) A bathtub.
(b) A cauldron.
(c) A fountain.
(d) A loom.

9. How old was "the pickpocket" (113) at the time he was hired by Francescho?
(a) 17.
(b) 14.
(c) 19.
(d) 31.

10. When the name of "the pickpocket" (113) is at last revealed by Francescho, what is it?
(a) Domenico.
(b) Cosmo.
(c) Gabriel.
(d) Ercole.

11. In what city was Francescho residing when she was notified that her father had died?
(a) Paris.
(b) Rome.
(c) Bologna.
(d) Padua.

12. Francescho's father suggested that she live as a man in order to eventually become an apprentice in what field?
(a) Architecture.
(b) The visual arts.
(c) Brickmaking.
(d) Medicine.

13. Francescho comes to believe that the teenage girl she is observing unseen is experiencing which emotion?
(a) Love.
(b) Relief.
(c) Grief.
(d) Regret.

14. Whose action resulted in Francesco being hired to contribute one season to Borse's "painted year" (90)?
(a) Donatello.
(b) Francesco's father.
(c) The Falcon.
(d) Barto.

15. Who became concerned that Francescho's work was getting too lifeless and gloomy?
(a) Barto.
(b) The Falcon.
(c) Borse.
(d) Donatello.

Short Answer Questions

1. What word featured in the fresco did Francescho change before abandoning her position as a court painter under the marquis?

2. Francesco chooses her male name in part because which member of her family had a name starting with the letter F?

3. When Francescho was on her deathbed, whom did she call "loyal" (142)?

4. Which objects does Francescho recall teaching Cosmo how to paint more realistically?

5. Which character had often told the story of the Virgin, the angel, and the boy to Francescho?

(see the answer keys)

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