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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which artist's works are considered to be "showy" (8) by Francescho?
(a) Cosmo.
(b) Michelangelo.
(c) Raphael.
(d) Leonardo.
2. The artist referred to as "the Falcon" (14) had wanted which kind of figures painted into the March section of the fresco depicting the four seasons?
(a) Flagellants.
(b) Ordinary working women.
(c) Fates.
(d) Graces.
3. Which character is NOT named when Francescho lists her top three most influential artists?
(a) Cosmo.
(b) Alberti.
(c) Cristoforo.
(d) Cennini.
4. How many "main kinds" (60) of the color green does Francescho tell Barto exist in the world?
(a) 2.
(b) 14.
(c) 7.
(d) 4.
5. What action passing between the two people in the museum causes Francescho to be sure that they are siblings?
(a) One hugs the other.
(b) They jealously vie for their mother's attention.
(c) One pushes the other onto the floor.
(d) One hits the other.
6. The madam at the brothel eventually accuses Francescho of being responsible for how many prostitutes leaving the brothel's service?
(a) 12.
(b) 8.
(c) 3.
(d) 5.
7. Which character had often told the story of the Virgin, the angel, and the boy to Francescho?
(a) Francescho's father.
(b) Francescho's youngest brother.
(c) Francesco's mother.
(d) Cennini.
8. What first name is eventually revealed to have belonged to Francescho's father?
(a) Cosmo.
(b) Cristoforo.
(c) Barto.
(d) Antonio.
9. How many paintings by Cosmo does Francescho count in the museum room where she sees only one of her own paintings being displayed?
(a) 8.
(b) 2.
(c) 3.
(d) 4.
10. Francescho sees the two siblings in the museum taking what action together?
(a) Playing cards.
(b) Dancing.
(c) Whispering.
(d) Reading.
11. Francescho's father suggested that she live as a man in order to eventually become an apprentice in what field?
(a) Brickmaking.
(b) Architecture.
(c) Medicine.
(d) The visual arts.
12. Which ingredient did Francescho always use to create richer colors of paint?
(a) Goose fat.
(b) Egg.
(c) Milk.
(d) Tree bark.
13. When the woman whom Francescho has drawn asks to have the drawing, what condition does Francescho set?
(a) The woman must give Francescho a passionate kiss.
(b) The woman must tell Barto that she had engaged in sex with Francescho.
(c) The woman must give Francescho a chaste kiss.
(d) The woman must pay Francescho.
14. Which objects does Francescho recall teaching Cosmo how to paint more realistically?
(a) Apples.
(b) Feet.
(c) Jewelry.
(d) Baubles.
15. When the name of "the pickpocket" (113) is at last revealed by Francescho, what is it?
(a) Cosmo.
(b) Gabriel.
(c) Domenico.
(d) Ercole.
Short Answer Questions
1. Francesco chooses her male name in part because which member of her family had a name starting with the letter F?
2. Francescho explains that she had committed herself to becoming an expert at painting which parts of the human body?
3. Who became concerned that Francescho's work was getting too lifeless and gloomy?
4. What term does Francescho use in the scene at the museum in order to describe the viewer of her painting before she realizes her mistake?
5. According to Francescho, what name had she given to the first horse she ever purchased?
This section contains 466 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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