How to Be Both Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Ali Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

How to Be Both Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Ali Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Eyes: Pages 82-159.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At what kind of establishment do Barto and Francescho spend the night after viewing the processions?
(a) A tavern.
(b) A brothel.
(c) A museum.
(d) The home of a mutual friend.

2. Which objects does Francescho recall teaching Cosmo how to paint more realistically?
(a) Baubles.
(b) Feet.
(c) Jewelry.
(d) Apples.

3. What word featured in the fresco did Francescho change before abandoning her position as a court painter under the marquis?
(a) Jesus.
(b) Justice.
(c) Peace.
(d) Will.

4. According to Francescho, who comforted her in her childhood when she cried after seeing a particular object disappear?
(a) Her father.
(b) Her older sister.
(c) Her younger brother.
(d) Her mother.

5. With what quality does Francesco associate a "turned back" (7)?
(a) Beauty.
(b) Secrecy.
(c) Serenity.
(d) Innocence.

Short Answer Questions

1. What modern object does Francescho refer to as an "awning on a stick" (119)?

2. Which of Francescho's acquaintances did she NOT include as a Grace within Borse's fresco?

3. While three of the quotes in the novel's Epigraph section are in English, another quote is provided in which untranslated language?

4. What type of ending did the story about the Virgin, the angel, and the boy have, though Francesco had not known this fact until much later?

5. When Francescho was on her deathbed, whom did she call "loyal" (142)?

(see the answer key)

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