How Late It Was, How Late Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

How Late It Was, How Late Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who contacted Peter and Keith regarding Sammy?
(a) The police.
(b) Sammy's ex-wife.
(c) Helen.
(d) Ally.

2. What grooming does Sammy complete prior to his trip to Glancys?
(a) He puts on a shirt and tie.
(b) He bathes.
(c) He shaves.
(d) He puts on cologne.

3. What incident makes Sammy look suspicious in Helen's disappearance?
(a) The murder of his former cellmate.
(b) Helen's recent infidelity.
(c) The fight they had.
(d) His attempt to cash her paycheck.

4. At Glancys, what does Sammy ask Tam about?
(a) Helen's whereabouts.
(b) If Sammy can move in.
(c) The weekend he blacked out.
(d) The money Tam owes him.

5. Where does Sammy go following his Monday morning doctor's meeting?
(a) To a pub.
(b) Home.
(c) To Helen's place of employment.
(d) To the gun shop.

6. Sammy tells the police he spent the weekend with who?
(a) Leg (Donaghue).
(b) Boab.
(c) Charlie.
(d) Helen.

7. What game is typically played at Glancys?
(a) Poker.
(b) Darts.
(c) Dominoes.
(d) Pool.

8. Who is the first friend to come up and talk to Sammy at Glancys?
(a) Tam.
(b) Charlie.
(c) Boab.
(d) Herbie.

9. At Glancys, why is Tam mad at Sammy?
(a) Sammy didn't warn him about the police.
(b) Sammy did not tell him about his blindness.
(c) Sammy hasn't called him in a week.
(d) Sammy forgot the money he owes him.

10. The doctor diagnoses Sammy's blindness as what type of condition?
(a) Permanent.
(b) Semi-permanent.
(c) Imaginary.
(d) Temporary.

11. Who do the police want Sammy to pass a message to?
(a) Boab.
(b) Billy.
(c) Tan.
(d) Charlie.

12. What does Tam have in his house that could get him into trouble?
(a) Moonshine.
(b) An unregistered gun.
(c) Bags of money.
(d) Stolen goods.

13. After his Monday morning visit with the doctor, Sammy fantasizes about doing what with Helen?
(a) Opening a daycare center.
(b) Opening a store.
(c) Partnering to sell stolen goods.
(d) Opening a pub.

14. What makes Sammy cry while preparing dinner?
(a) Helen's phone call.
(b) Listening to music.
(c) The onions.
(d) He cuts his thumb.

15. Who is the second friend to approach Sammy at Glancys?
(a) Billy.
(b) Herbie.
(c) Tam.
(d) Charlie.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Sammy react to his treatment by the Monday morning doctor?

2. Who wrote a concerned letter regarding Helen's whereabouts?

3. What financial item does Ally discuss with Sammy?

4. When his shoes start to pinch, Sammy has a sudden memory of what?

5. Peter suggests Sammy should hide out where?

(see the answer keys)

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