How Late It Was, How Late Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

How Late It Was, How Late Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Sammy feel comfortable at Helen's home?
(a) He lives there.
(b) Her mother makes him feel welcome.
(c) He likes rats.
(d) He pays rent, so it's partially his.

2. What stops Sammy from getting a drink after making his doctor appointment?
(a) He has a panic attack.
(b) The receptionist stands him up.
(c) He has no money.
(d) The police are waiting at the pub.

3. What does Sammy worry about after getting off the bus at the health center?
(a) How much money he has left.
(b) If he paid the correct fare.
(c) Getting hit by a car.
(d) That someone will rob him.

4. Sammy hopes to obtain what to help him live with his blindness?
(a) A seeing-eye dog.
(b) Financial assistance.
(c) A white-tipped walking stick.
(d) All of these.

5. What makes the receptionist give Sammy a Monday appointment?
(a) Sammy bribes her.
(b) His bruises.
(c) Sammy asks her out.
(d) The information that the police are involved.

6. According to Sammy, his loss of vision might have been caused by what?
(a) Pepper spray.
(b) Physical restraints.
(c) A nightstick.
(d) Allergies.

7. When Sammy is dismissed from jail, blind, what is his mental state?
(a) Euphoric.
(b) Unstable.
(c) Positive.
(d) Confident.

8. How does Sammy get home after making his doctor appointment?
(a) He takes the bus.
(b) Boab picks him up.
(c) He walks.
(d) With the help of a seeing-eye dog.

9. Where did Sammy meet Jackie Milligan?
(a) Betting shops.
(b) The pub.
(c) The shooting range.
(d) His sister's house.

10. What type of payment does Sammy hope for, now that he has an eye injury?
(a) "Dysfunctional payment".
(b) "Disability".
(c) "Doctor's referral for rest".
(d) "Overtime".

11. What do the police do to Sammy prior to arresting him?
(a) They shoot at him.
(b) They beat him up.
(c) They give him a good meal.
(d) They offer him shelter.

12. On what day does Sammy receive his unemployment benefits?
(a) Sunday.
(b) Friday.
(c) Monday.
(d) Saturday.

13. Why is Sammy apprehended by a security guard at the health center?
(a) He is trying to rob someone.
(b) He is hitting on women.
(c) He is going the wrong way.
(d) He is riding a bike, which is not allowed.

14. At the doctor's office, why doesn't the receptionist want to give Sammy an appointment for Monday?
(a) He was rude to her on his last visit.
(b) It is short notice.
(c) They used to date.
(d) She is Helen's friend.

15. At the beginning of "How Late it Was, How Late", why is Helen upset with Sammy?
(a) He curses too often.
(b) He is always late on bills.
(c) He will not marry her.
(d) He is involved in crime.

Short Answer Questions

1. What personal article of clothing is Sammy confused about at the beginning of the novel?

2. When Sammy gets out of jail, where does he think Helen is?

3. When Boab first meets Sammy, what does he do?

4. The second interviewer at the health center suggests that Sammy file a complaint at what location?

5. Sammy mistakes the group of policeman for who?

(see the answer keys)

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