How It Went Down Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Kekla Magoon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

How It Went Down Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Kekla Magoon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Rocky Fry's real first name?
(a) Roger.
(b) John.
(c) Edwin.
(d) Stephen.

2. Why was Rocky running after Tariq?
(a) Tariq left his newspaper.
(b) Tariq left his change and Rocky wanted to return it to him.
(c) Rocky forgot to tell Tariq something.
(d) Tariq stole something from the shop.

3. Which of the following characters is sure Tariq was holding a gun when he died?
(a) Jennica.
(b) Tyrell.
(c) Brick.
(d) Sammy.

4. Where does Jack Franklin come to stay after the media drive him out of his own home?
(a) Rocky's house.
(b) Noodle's house.
(c) Tom Arlen's house.
(d) His grandmother's house.

5. Who is the leader of the Kings?
(a) Tyrell.
(b) Brick.
(c) Noodle.
(d) Sammy.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Kimberly first meet Reverend Sloan?

2. What does Brick ask Noodle to do for him?

3. Which child did Vernesha worry about the most?

4. What does Tina see Vernesha do with their phone in frustration?

5. What does Tariq's grandmother regret not throwing away before he died?

Short Essay Questions

1. Whose house does Jack Franklin go to to hide out and avoid all the media attention he receives after killing Tariq?

2. Who is Kimberly most concerned about after Tariq's killing?

3. What does Tom Arlen think about whether or not Tariq had a gun in his hand when he was shot?

4. What does Sammy regret the most about his reaction to Tariq's shooting?

5. Why does Reverend Alabaster Sloan feel guilty about Tariq's killing?

6. What is Melody's strongest memory of Tariq?

7. What does Will's mother take away from him after Tariq's killing that makes him angry?

8. What is the first thing Tyrell does when he hears there was a shooting on Peach Street?

9. What caused the white puddle that Jennica remembers seeing on the pavement around Tariq after he was shot?

10. What is the role of Brian Trellis in Tariq's killing?

(see the answer keys)

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