How I Live Now Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Meg Rosoff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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How I Live Now Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Meg Rosoff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What book prompts Piper's decision they have to find and cook all their own food?
(a) Boy Scout Survival Guide.
(b) English Guide to Wilderness Life.
(c) Surving a Military Invasion.
(d) Girl Scout Survival Guide.

2. Who does Daisy say is the only member of the house who isn't suspicious about her relationship with Edmond?
(a) Osbert.
(b) The mailman.
(c) Isaac.
(d) Piper.

3. What was the name of the painting Daisy had copied in a class once?
(a) The Calm Before the Storm.
(b) The Day Before the End.
(c) The Last Day of Time.
(d) The Sea of Heartbreak.

4. What is there for lunch the first time Daisy meets Aunt Penn?
(a) Peas and cornbread.
(b) Meat, bread and chips.
(c) Soup, cheese and bread.
(d) Fried potatoes and sliced tomatoes.

5. What does Aunt Penn say the children can do to get some money until she can get home?
(a) Pawn some of her jewelry.
(b) Get the money she has hidden in the cookie jar.
(c) Go to the bank.
(d) Sell a couple of goats.

6. Which of the following was one of the precautions written on the flyer the children received with their rations?
(a) Hide whenever planes flyover.
(b) Wash all produce before eating.
(c) Be careful when handling firearms.
(d) Remember to drink plenty of fluids.

7. What is the smell Daisy detects from outside the night she and Piper are reading "Flashman"?
(a) Rain.
(b) Fertilizer.
(c) Fresh mown hay.
(d) Honesuckle.

8. What is the major difference between Isaac and Edmond?
(a) One is right handed and one is left.
(b) The color of their eyes.
(c) The color of their hair.
(d) The shape of their faces.

9. What does Daisy say was the first thing that goes wrong after Aunt Penn leaves?
(a) The British military arrives.
(b) A bomb goes off in London.
(c) The cow dies.
(d) The house catches fire.

10. What is the first thing Daisy does when she wakes from her long nap in Chapter 4?
(a) Checks her phone for messages.
(b) Asks for tea.
(c) Changes her clothes.
(d) Goes looking for the bathroom.

11. How often does Daisy's father want to talk about Daisy's mother?
(a) Whenever Daisy has questions.
(b) Never.
(c) Only when he's drunk.
(d) Only around the holidays.

12. Why does Daisy say the family gets four pints of milk as part of their daily rations?
(a) Because there is plenty of milk available.
(b) Because they are contributing goat milk to the supplies.
(c) They are only getting two.
(d) Because they're children.

13. What does Dr. Jameson ask for when he visits the children?
(a) Medicine.
(b) Ammunition.
(c) Food.
(d) Money.

14. Why doesn't anyone wear seat belts when they're in the vehicle on the way to their outing in Chapter 5?
(a) There are too many kids and not enough seats.
(b) There isn't a law requiring them.
(c) They are wearing seat belts.
(d) There aren't any seat belts.

15. At the opening of Chapter 11, how much time does Daisy say has passed since the beginning of the war?
(a) Five weeks.
(b) Fourteen weeks.
(c) Forty-three months.
(d) Four years.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who wakes Daisy in Chapter 5?

2. How much do Daisy and her driver pay to leave the airport parking lot?

3. Who wrote the two letters Daisy receives in Chapter 7?

4. Who does Daisy expect will meet her at the London airport?

5. Who is left in the living room with Dr. Jameson when some of the children go to look for medicine?

(see the answer keys)

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