How Beautiful We Were Test | Final Test - Medium

Imbolo Mbue
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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How Beautiful We Were Test | Final Test - Medium

Imbolo Mbue
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Thula sign her last letter of Part III to her age-mates?
(a) Faraway.
(b) Blessings.
(c) I'll Always Be One of Us.
(d) Kindly.

2. Who is the village elder who competed to be village head in Part III and lost?
(a) Gona.
(b) Pondo.
(c) Woja.
(d) Roja.

3. Who do many people tell Yaya is a replica of her own husband?
(a) Bongo.
(b) Juba.
(c) Sahel.
(d) Thula.

4. Who does Yaya think often visits Thula after dying?
(a) Big Papa.
(b) Malabo.
(c) Juba.
(d) Bongo.

5. What is one big regret Yaya has about her own marriage?
(a) How little money she had.
(b) How little she cooked.
(c) How little she laughed.
(d) That she only had two sons.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Sahel kick Sonni out of her hut?

2. Who is Sahel surprised to hear is marrying in Thula's fourth year of school?

3. Who was one of the few people not to believe Pexton's lies from the beginning?

4. Where did many men go to work from Kosawa in Yaya's day?

5. What is the seat of government for Kosawa's district?

Short Essay Questions

1. What has Yaya heard about the key to His Excellency's longevity?

2. In Part IV, what does the Sweet One tell Sahel and Yaya about Thula's actions in America?

3. Why was Kosawa spared when white people came to snatch Black people for slaves, according to Yaya?

4. Whose is the first blood to spill in the massacre in Part III in Kosawa's town square?

5. What first got Thula to speak more often in Part III?

6. When do the Koswans first receive money from Pexton, and why?

7. What shocking revelation does Yaya learn about Big Papa in Part IV?

8. What does Sahel tell the Sweet One in Part IV when he tells her about Thula's activities?

9. What do the people from the Restoration Movement promise Sahel specifically?

10. Who did people tell Yaya Thula was a replica of?

(see the answer keys)

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