The House of Mirth Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The House of Mirth Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lawrence Selden tell Lily about the Dorsets' possible divorce?
(a) They want to divorce immediately.
(b) They both blame Lily for forcing them to consider divorce.
(c) They have made up and probably won't divorce.
(d) They will wait until they return home to finalize their divorce.

2. How does Lily fare at her new job?
(a) She learns quickly and does well.
(b) She takes a long time to learn and outperforms even those who have been doing the job for years.
(c) She takes a long time to learn but still does poorly.
(d) She is terrible at it.

3. In book 2, chapter 7, how does Lily feel when Simon Rosedale explains why he refuses to marry her?
(a) Relieved that she is now free to marry George Dorset.
(b) Insulted by his reasons.
(c) Refreshed by his honesty.
(d) Crushed by his refusal.

4. In book 1, chapter 1, what concerns Lawrence Selden and Lord Hubert Dacey about Lily?
(a) Her financial situation.
(b) Her future husband.
(c) Her moral health.
(d) Her travel plans.

5. In book 2, chapter 6, why does George Dorset apologize to Lily while at the Gormers ?
(a) Repeatedly asking Lily to marry him.
(b) Bertha Dorset's behavior toward her.
(c) Wanting to divorce Bertha.
(d) Helping to oust her from her social circle.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Lily respond to what Simon Rosedale suggests she do with the letters she purchased from Lawrence Selden's cleaning woman?

2. In book 2, chapter 11, why doesn't Lily have a job?

3. What does George Dorset decide to do after Lily finds him upset on her way back to the yacht?

4. What does George Dorset ask Lily to do while at the Gormers?

5. What does Grace Stepney say is the reason for her aunt's death?

(see the answer keys)

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