House Made of Dawn Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

House Made of Dawn Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At what time of day did Francisco take his grandsons to the answer to the question in 147?
(a) Noon
(b) Midnight
(c) First light
(d) Last night

2. Ben tried to share his __________ with Abel, but Abel would not take it.
(a) Car
(b) Book
(c) Newspaper
(d) Lunch

3. As a young man, Francisco had ridden out on a buckskin colt, leading the _____________ horse.
(a) Supply
(b) Pack
(c) Hunting
(d) Tracking

4. Abel was going home to the ______________ for a year or two, according to the plan he had.
(a) Reservation
(b) City
(c) Prison
(d) Desert

5. What did Abel wrap his grandfather's hair around when he was preparing it?
(a) Bone
(b) Yarn
(c) Metal rod
(d) Jute

6. What did Francisco complain of, even though there was no reason for his complaint as far as Abel could see?
(a) Blind
(b) Cold
(c) Voice loss
(d) Warm

7. Francisco showed that the event which took place in #169 focused on those that were ___________.
(a) Healthy
(b) Sick
(c) Dead
(d) Pregnant

8. On hearing the story of the horse, __________ laughed so hard that _________ started to hiccup.
(a) Ben
(b) Abel
(c) Cruz
(d) Milly

9. What did Francisco and Abel look out over when they were at the Arroyo?
(a) River
(b) Mountain
(c) Stone figure
(d) Plain

10. Who was NOT one of the people who hung out with Abel on his last night in town before leaving on the bus?
(a) Bowker
(b) Ben
(c) Cruz
(d) Tosamah

11. What was in the pouch that Francisco held which helped to mark the face of the animal he killed?
(a) Ash
(b) Flowers
(c) Corn
(d) Pollen

12. Abel would make Ben wait before driving off to show him a ____________ coming out of one of the stores.
(a) Black woman
(b) White woman
(c) Native American woman
(d) Police officer

13. Which animal did Francisco shoot and kill the next day while hunting by following the tracks?
(a) Crow
(b) Coyote
(c) Horse
(d) Bear

14. What was the next job that the Relocation people got for Abel once he was out of jail?
(a) Painter
(b) Housekeeper
(c) Patient aide
(d) Carpenter

15. The answer to #149 would teach the boys when all the other ___________ and events of their lives were to occur.
(a) Births
(b) Gifts
(c) Festivals
(d) Holidays

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the most important set of tracks in the many tracks of animals Francisco had seen as a young man?

2. What was the name of the bad cop that Ben had a bad experience with in the past?

3. What did the bad cop mug Ben and his friends with when he pulled them into a dark alley?

4. The place that Francisco took Abel as a child was where the ________ was held, according to Francisco.

5. Where Abel was born was similar to the ___________ where Ben had come from.

(see the answer keys)

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