Housekeeping Test | Final Test - Medium

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Housekeeping Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens after the girls fight over the flowers?
(a) Sylvie puts them on restriction.
(b) They don't speak for several days.
(c) They move to separate bedrooms.
(d) Ruth cuts school.

2. What does Ruth have for lunch on the island?
(a) chicken noodle soup
(b) peanut butter and jelly
(c) crackers and cheese
(d) a black banana and salami

3. What does Sylvie say about her relationship with her husband?
(a) He left her.
(b) She hated him.
(c) It is very good.
(d) They are out of touch.

4. What does Sylvie do when the girls come home in the morning after staying out all night?
(a) makes them go to school
(b) screams at them
(c) calls the police
(d) wraps them in warmed quilts

5. What does Ruth do when Lucille talks with her?
(a) She cries.
(b) She does not respond.
(c) She slaps her in the face.
(d) She fights with her.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Sylvie say her husband does for a living?

2. How do the girls find out what certain sewing terms mean?

3. How does Ruth believe her mother would have treated the sisters if she had lived?

4. What does Sylvie think Ruth can do with the children on the island?

5. Why can't Ruth hear Lucille when her sister talks to her?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Ruth think would have happened in her life if her mother had not killed herself?

2. What does Lucille decide she and Ruth need to do about their life?

3. What do they see and how do the neighboring women feel about Ruth and Sylvie's house?

4. What is Sylvie's reaction to the town's concerns about her and Ruth?

5. What happens when Lucille yells at Sylvie about sleeping on the bench?

6. What does Lucille demand of Sylvie about dinner?

7. What does Sylvie do when Lucille asks about her husband?

8. Why does Sylvie wake Ruth up before dawn after Lucille has left?

9. What happens when the sheriff comes to the house to see about the fire Sylvie lit to burn trash?

10. What does Lucille do about the sewing after fighting with Ruth?

(see the answer keys)

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