Housekeeping Test | Final Test - Medium

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Housekeeping Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sylvie believe Ruth thinks of her when she talks about the people on the island?
(a) that Sylvie is an artist
(b) that Sylvie is lying
(c) that Sylvie is insane
(d) that she makes friends easily

2. What does Ruth settle for with Sylvie?
(a) a lot of lectures
(b) bad food
(c) any nurturing she can get
(d) a messy house

3. What does Lucille demand after she sees Sylvie's picture?
(a) for Sylvie to hang his picture on the wall
(b) for Sylvie to take them to live with her husband
(c) regular meals with the lights on
(d) to meet her uncle

4. What does the sheriff ask Ruth when she comes out of the orchard?
(a) Does she know where Lucille is staying?
(b) Does she want to come home with him?
(c) Is Sylvie abusing her?
(d) Is she hungry?

5. How does Ruth believe her mother would have treated the sisters if she had lived?
(a) She would have given them to their father.
(b) She would have been a good mother.
(c) She would have abused them.
(d) She would have ignored them.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the neighbors see on the floor of the house?

2. The morning after the girls stay out all night, what does Lucille want to do?

3. What picture does Sylvie show Lucille as her husband?

4. What does Sylvie do about the house to fight the objections?

5. What shocks the neighboring women about Ruth's house?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do the girls do when the weather turns warm?

2. Describe what happens the day the girls spend the night away from home.

3. In Chapter 10, what does Sylvie do to continue to change enough to keep Ruth?

4. Why does the sheriff visit Ruth and Sylvie and what do some neighboring women do about his visit?

5. What does Lucille decide she and Ruth need to do about their life?

6. What is Sylvie's reaction to the town's concerns about her and Ruth?

7. Where do Sylvie and Ruth spend the night when they leave the island?

8. When Lucille turns the lights on in the kitchen one night what does she see?

9. What does Lucille demand of Sylvie about dinner?

10. Why does Sylvie wake Ruth up before dawn after Lucille has left?

(see the answer keys)

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