Housekeeping Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

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Housekeeping Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 3.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Sylvie?
(a) she has no known address
(b) she is in Kentucky
(c) she is living in Europe
(d) she is in Spokane

2. How does the grandfather die?
(a) a grizzly bear mauls him
(b) a tree falls on him
(c) train goes off the bridge
(d) from polio

3. Why do they want to find Sylvie?
(a) She might give them a vacation from Fingerbone.
(b) She might accept taking care of the girls.
(c) She might know another relation of the girls'.
(d) She might know where the girls' father is.

4. What kind of residence do Lily and Nona have?
(a) residence hotel
(b) a white frame house
(c) a stone cottage
(d) an apartment

5. How do Helen and the girls visit their grandmother?
(a) by taking the train
(b) they flew in a plane
(c) they went by horse back
(d) in a borrowed car

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Ruth and Lucille's father do when the girls were young?

2. Where did the sisters' father grow up?

3. Why do Ruth and Lucille follow Sylvie when she leaves the house the day after she arrives there?

4. What might be wrong with Sylvie?

5. For what do Ruth and Lucille depend on each other?

(see the answer key)

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