Housegirl Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Donkor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Housegirl Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Donkor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What thought generally keeps Amma from skipping school, even when she wants to do so?
(a) Her mother's punishments.
(b) The amount of work she will miss.
(c) Her attendance history.
(d) Her father's rags-to-riches immigration story.

2. Amma comes home in Chapter 30 to find which character standing at the end of the hallway in mourning clothes?
(a) Nana.
(b) Dr. Otuo.
(c) Aunty.
(d) Uncle.

3. At whose behest does Amma begin accompanying Belinda to Abacus College?
(a) Belinda's.
(b) Max's.
(c) Nana's.
(d) Helena's.

4. Who calls Nana to tell her the bad news about Mary?
(a) Dr. Otuo.
(b) Uncle.
(c) Aunty.
(d) Mary.

5. Belinda recalls that Mary had once told a woman frustrated by a puzzle that it was okay to have only what?
(a) Questions.
(b) Hardship.
(c) Problems.
(d) Failures.

6. When Belinda first meets Helena, she mentally refers to her in connection with which physical attribute?
(a) Her freckles.
(b) Her clothes.
(c) Her hair.
(d) Her eyes.

7. Belinda describes Mary as "a friend who has a very big" what "inside of her" (146)?
(a) Light.
(b) Hunger.
(c) Void.
(d) Heart.

8. Amma cries in Chapter 30 when she witnesses what sight?
(a) Belinda's headwrap.
(b) Belinda's dress.
(c) Belinda's smile.
(d) Mary's dress.

9. Chapter 29 begins how many days after the end of Chapter 28?
(a) 3.
(b) 4.
(c) 18.
(d) 11.

10. Belinda wonders at the end of Chapter 34 how Aunty and Uncle feel about their own what?
(a) Wealth.
(b) Good fortune.
(c) Lack of children.
(d) Mortality.

11. Who calls Belinda from London in Chapter 32?
(a) Amma.
(b) Roisin.
(c) Max.
(d) Helena.

12. What action does Belinda take that worries Aunty in Chapter 34?
(a) She will not stop smiling.
(b) She will not speak.
(c) She shovels food into her mouth.
(d) She keeps saying that she wants to lie down.

13. What two actions does Mary only half-jokingly tell Belinda are her favorite things to do?
(a) Play rough and tease.
(b) Eat and sleep.
(c) Use puns and tell jokes.
(d) Live and learn.

14. How many layers is Belinda wearing on the day when Amma makes fun of Belinda's amount of clothing?
(a) 6.
(b) 3.
(c) 5.
(d) 4.

15. On what holiday does Chapter 24 take place?
(a) Good Friday.
(b) Guy Fawkes Day.
(c) Easter Monday.
(d) Labour Day.

Short Answer Questions

1. What gift does Amma give to her mother Nana in Chapter 17, greatly surprising Nana?

2. When Belinda is home sick with Amma, Belinda worries about falling behind in what arena?

3. Mary is upset when Belinda waits how many days after the party to call her at Aunty and Uncle's house?

4. Amma declares that she likes Belinda bcause Belinda "really" (143) takes what action?

5. When Roisin and Amma meet up in Chapter 26, how much time has gone by since they communicated last?

(see the answer keys)

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