Housegirl Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Donkor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Housegirl Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Donkor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What dish are Belinda and Mary cooking together when Mary relates the tradition about the egg?
(a) Aane.
(b) Sa.
(c) Kyew.
(d) Eto.

2. About whom does Mary give Belinda advice within their first correspondence after parting from one another?
(a) Doctor Otuo.
(b) Nana.
(c) Amma.
(d) Aunty.

3. During Amma's portrait-sitting, she asks Helena to tell her a story about a time when Helena was what?
(a) In love.
(b) In trouble.
(c) Elated.
(d) Scared.

4. After hearing Belinda's story about a man in Ghana, Amma tells her own story about a memory she has from what stage of her life?
(a) Her adolescence.
(b) Her prepubescence.
(c) Her early childhood.
(d) Her infancy.

5. What is the big change to which Belinda refers when discussing her mother's reaction?
(a) There was no longer any clean water to drink in the village.
(b) Her father sent a letter stating he could no longer pay Belinda's school fees.
(c) Her mother lost one of her three jobs.
(d) Her mother had gotten pregnant.

6. According to the tradition explained by Mary, which person must swallow a whole boiled egg without breaking it?
(a) A debutante.
(b) A shaman.
(c) A bride.
(d) A groom.

7. To what singer is Amma listening when Belinda enters Amma's room for the first time?
(a) Jim Morrison.
(b) Katy Perry.
(c) Thom Yorke.
(d) Kurt Cobain.

8. Who helps Mary come up with an alter ego who will help her pretend that she loves her work and life?
(a) Belinda.
(b) Uncle.
(c) Doctor Otuo.
(d) Aunty.

9. Which act by the pallbearers inspires the mourners to respond with cheers?
(a) They lift the coffin.
(b) They place the coffin in the ground.
(c) They show off their muscles.
(d) They engage in a wrestling contest.

10. When Amma picks Belinda up from the airport in London, what preemptive comment does Amma make to Belinda?
(a) She says that she knows she smells bad but that she did not have time to shower.
(b) She says that she is aware that Belinda is probably hungry.
(c) She says she knows her hair is messy and that she likes it.
(d) She says that Belinda cannot borrow any of her clothes.

11. Belinda thinks to herself that school means what?
(a) Boys.
(b) Sitting up straight.
(c) Power.
(d) Rules.

12. What items do the pallbearers request be brought to them?
(a) Hammers.
(b) Lead pipes.
(c) Wrenches.
(d) Shovels.

13. Chapter 8 takes place how many days after the end of Chapter 7?
(a) 7.
(b) 3.
(c) 5.
(d) 1.

14. In Chapter 7, Mary and Belinda communicate with one another using what method?
(a) Video call.
(b) Telegraph.
(c) Mail.
(d) Phone call.

15. Amma sees Belinda as someone who is "happy to be" (105) what?
(a) Calm.
(b) Fed.
(c) Led.
(d) Alive.

Short Answer Questions

1. In what manner does Amma reply when her mother calls her downstairs to greet her father?

2. Amma's room contains many different stacks composed of which kind of object?

3. About what element of London does Dr. Otuo complain on Belinda's first night in his home?

4. From whose perspective is Chapter 12 narrated?

5. Who decides that Belinda needs new clothing once she arrives at the Otuos' residence?

(see the answer keys)

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