Objects & Places from House of Sky and Breath

Sarah J. Maas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 189 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Objects & Places from House of Sky and Breath

Sarah J. Maas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 189 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the House of Sky and Breath Lesson Plans

Kavalla Death Camp

This is where Emile and then his sister Sofie are imprisoned. It symbolizes the loss of freedom.

Ophion Command

This is the leadership of the rebels. They symbolize war.

Letters and Numbers

These are carved on Sofie’s left arm. They symbolize secrets.

Crescent City Ballet

This is where Juniper performs. It represents achievement.

Blue Court

This is the River’s Queen’s domain. It symbolizes treachery and a lack of trust.

Meat Market

This is the Viper Queen’s domain and where Emile finds refuge. It symbolizes intrigue and loss of freedom.

The Bone Quarter

This is where souls go after they die. It represents deception.


This is where seven princes rule. It symbolizes how history is written by the winners.


This is a five-towered complex that houses the 33rd legion. It symbolizes power.

Luna’s Horn

This is a weapon that...

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