House of Sand and Fog Test | Final Test - Medium

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House of Sand and Fog Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Behrani react to his wife's leaving the burden of action to him while they are held hostage?
(a) He is flattered and grateful.
(b) He is frightened and resentful.
(c) He is pleased and honored.
(d) He is grateful and resentful.

2. Why does Esmail say they are behaving like thugs?
(a) They are refusing to return Kathy's house.
(b) They have been rude to Lester.
(c) They have threatened Kathy.
(d) They have treated Kathy unkindly.

3. Of whom does Kathy remind Behrani?
(a) His wife.
(b) His daughter Soraya.
(c) His mother.
(d) His cousin Jasmeen.

4. How does Behrani feel when he has put Kathy to bed?
(a) Angry that she has trespassed again.
(b) Disgusted at her debauched behavior.
(c) Joyful at having saved a life.
(d) Relieved that she can't hurt them more.

5. How has Esmail reacted to Lester's breaking into their home and holding them at gunpoint?
(a) First with anger, then with fear.
(b) First with fear, then with anger.
(c) First with a sense of adventure, then with true fear.
(d) First with fear, then with a sense of adventure.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Behrani think the disaster is his fault?

2. How does Lester decide that the Behranis have not harmed Kathy?

3. What does Lester feel when his photo is taken in jail?

4. What does Esmail say to defend his father when Lester is trying to decide if the Behranis have hurt Kathy?

5. Why doesn't Behrani call an ambulance when they find Kathy has ingested pills?

Short Essay Questions

1. Nadereh berates Behrani while he repairs her mother's table, but he lets her insults "pass over like training jets with no ammunition." Why doesn't he respond to her tirade, and what does she finally say that causes him to enter the argument?

2. What is Connie Walsh's planned defense for Kathy?

3. Lester watches his own image in the elevator doors spread out from the middle, then disappear. How is this symbol a metaphor for his situation?

4. Behrani says that he sometimes believes he is being punished. What does he think he is being punished for, and how is this similar to Kathy's feelings?

5. Why does young Deputy Gleason's expression of gratitude when he encounters Lester on the street make Lester feel worse?

6. How does Kathy feel as she goes back into the house to wait for Lester?

7. Why doesn't Behrani attempt to negotiate with Lester when he breaks in and holds them at gunpoint?

8. Kathy says that she only has one hope now while she's waiting for Lester to return. What does she hope?

9. When Lester describes his feelings during the drive to the county office, he says it is probably the way felons want to feel all the time. How does he say he feels?

10. Lester becomes suspicious of Esmail. What causes this reaction?

(see the answer keys)

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