House of Sand and Fog Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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House of Sand and Fog Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why doesn't Kathy explain the house situation to Frank?
(a) She realizes she can solve things herself.
(b) He makes her feel like a loser.
(c) He's too busy to listen to her.
(d) He's obviously not interested in her problems.

2. How does Behrani learn that Kathy came to the house?
(a) The carpenters tell him.
(b) He finds the blood on the board with the nails.
(c) Esmail tells him.
(d) His wife tells him

3. Why does Behrani regret telling Esmail about their finances?
(a) The boy seems to disrespect his father.
(b) Esmail doesn't understand.
(c) It seems to make the boy sad.
(d) Esmail isn't interested.

4. What does Kathy want that her husband Nick doesn't want her to have?
(a) A dog.
(b) A vacation.
(c) A better house.
(d) Children.

5. Why is Behrani comfortable in the sheriff's office?
(a) It is air conditioned.
(b) He knows men in uniforms don't lie.
(c) He thinks marble halls are beautiful.
(d) He believes they are men of duty and discipline.

6. What does the letter from Connie Walsh advise the Behranis to do?
(a) Prepare to vacate the house.
(b) Take the house off the market.
(c) Expect their check to be returned.
(d) Sell the house immediately.

7. What news from Kathy's mother comes in the mail?
(a) She wants Kathy to call her.
(b) She wants Kathy to come home for a visit.
(c) She is sending Kathy airplane tickets.
(d) She is coming to visit her on Labor Day.

8. What is a najar?
(a) A policeman.
(b) A carpenter.
(c) A lawyer.
(d) A real estate agent.

9. Why does Kathy call her brother Frank?
(a) She hopes he will explain the situation to their mother.
(b) She hopes he will help her get the house back.
(c) She hopes he will send her money.
(d) She hopes he will invite her to move back to Boston.

10. What is Behrani's response when Connie Walsh tells him that Kathy has been wronged?
(a) "I am sorry for her, but I cannot help her."
(b) "She deserves it."
(c) "I will help her if I can."
(d) "I am being wronged."

11. How is Kathy injured when she goes to the house?
(a) She steps on nails.
(b) She steps into a hole and twists her ankle.
(c) She cuts her arm on broken window glass.
(d) She trips on the carpenters' tools.

12. Why does Kathy feel better realizing that Lester is married?
(a) He won't demand a long-term relationship.
(b) He is less likely to have AIDS.
(c) It shows he is a steady, dependable person.
(d) She hates his wife.

13. How does Behrani break the law when he sees Kathy at his house talking to Nadereh?
(a) He threatens her.
(b) He shakes her and shoves her into her car.
(c) He hits her.
(d) He threatens her and hits her.

14. Why does Nadereh ask Kathy to write the things she has told her during their visit?
(a) She wants to have written proof.
(b) She understands written English better.
(c) She wants to show her husband.
(d) She wants to show the sheriff.

15. What advice does Lester Burdon give Kathy regarding her house?
(a) Break into the house and force the Behranis out.
(b) Move in with him.
(c) Keep your head; wait for the law; don't go to the house.
(d) Forget the house and look for a new one.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Nadereh sometimes go to bed for hours or days?

2. How does Kathy spoil Behrani's first attempt to sell the house?

3. Why is Kathy upset when Nadereh says she resembles Soraya?

4. How does Behrani respond when passersby stare at him?

5. What wrongdoing does Lester admit to Kathy during their dinner in the Orion Room?

(see the answer keys)

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