House of Sand and Fog Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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House of Sand and Fog Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Kathy say to Behrani when they meet for the first time?
(a) "I will sell the house and divide the money with you."
(b) "You obviously have plenty of money already."
(c) "I don't need the house any longer."
(d) "You can't make money on this. It's not right."

2. What threat does Lester make to Behrani during his visit to the house?
(a) That he can charge him with a misdemeanor.
(b) That he can bring a lawsuit against him.
(c) That he can put him in jail.
(d) That he can arrange to have him deported.

3. Why doesn't Kathy explain the house situation to Frank?
(a) He's too busy to listen to her.
(b) He makes her feel like a loser.
(c) She realizes she can solve things herself.
(d) He's obviously not interested in her problems.

4. Why does Behrani buy a wrecking bar?
(a) To use as a weapon.
(b) To work on the house.
(c) To plant the for sale signs.
(d) To tear down the widow's walk.

5. Why does Behrani say he never shares his worries with Nadereh?
(a) He doesn't want her to be angry with him.
(b) He is afraid she would make the situation worse.
(c) He believes she wouldn't understand.
(d) He prefers her to be cheerful and innocent.

6. How does Behrani respond when passersby stare at him?
(a) He smiles to break the tension.
(b) He looks away.
(c) He closes his eyes until they are gone.
(d) He stares back without blinking.

7. Why does Kathy decide to talk to Nadereh alone?
(a) She knows Nadereh doesn't like the little house.
(b) She hopes that they can agree as women.
(c) She believes she can frighten the timid woman.
(d) She believes Nadereh is on her side.

8. Why does Nadereh sometimes go to bed for hours or days?
(a) She is depressed.
(b) She suffers from migraines.
(c) She is pouting.
(d) She is homesick.

9. Why does Nadereh call Behmani a chicken?
(a) It is a term of endearment.
(b) She thinks he's a coward.
(c) She thinks he's flighty and undependable.
(d) She thinks his legs are too thin.

10. What lie does Behrani tell Esmail when he explains how Kathy lost the house?
(a) That they are going home to Iran soon.
(b) That Kathy lost the house because she didn't pay her taxes.
(c) That Kathy is crazy.
(d) That they will move back to the apartment.

11. How much will Behrani make if he sells the house for its appraised value?
(a) Twice what he paid for it.
(b) Four times what he paid for it.
(c) Three times what he paid for it.
(d) Less than he paid for it.

12. Why does Behrani burn his own arm with a cigar?
(a) To remind himself to quit smoking.
(b) To remind himself of Jasmeen's death.
(c) To remind himself never to hurt a woman again.
(d) To remind himself of the shah's cruelty.

13. Why does Behrani shave and change clothes before going home from work?
(a) Because he's too uncomfortable to wait.
(b) So his son will not know the kind of work he does.
(c) Because his wife doesn't like him to shower at home.
(d) Because he will visit business associates on the way home.

14. How much money does the county claim Kathy owes them?
(a) Fifty thousand dollars.
(b) Five thousand dollars.
(c) Fifty dollars.
(d) Five hundred dollars.

15. What does Connie Walsh say would be the best outcome of the situation with the house?
(a) Behrani would get full market value from the county.
(b) Kathy would be compensated for her inconvenience.
(c) Behrani would rescind the sale and the county would return his money.
(d) The county would help Kathy find a comparable house.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Behrani consults his own lawyer, what does he learn?

2. Why does Behrani wear his best clothes for the appointment with Connie Walsh?

3. As Behrani considers his own actions over his lifetime, of what does he accuse himself?

4. What is Behrani's business as a colonel in Iran?

5. Why does Nadereh hang the photo of Behrani with the shah?

(see the answer keys)

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