House of Sand and Fog Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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House of Sand and Fog Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Nadereh screaming at Behrani after Lester leaves the house?
(a) She believes he is cruel.
(b) She believes he has lied to her.
(c) She believes he is a coward.
(d) She believes he is a criminal.

2. When Behrani consults his own lawyer, what does he learn?
(a) The purchase was illegal; he would not recover his investment.
(b) The purchase was illegal; he could sue the county for restitution.
(c) The purchase was illegal; they would have to move.
(d) His purchase was legal; no one could take the house from him.

3. As Behrani considers his own actions over his lifetime, of what does he accuse himself?
(a) He accuses himself of cruelty.
(b) He accuses himself of pride.
(c) He accuses himself of violence.
(d) He accuses himself of cowardice.

4. Why is Lester upset when Kathy finds him waiting at the fish camp?
(a) His wife has already sued for his property.
(b) His wife has already got custody of his children.
(c) His wife has already petitioned for dissolution of their marriage.
(d) His wife has already left their home.

5. Why does Esmail become angry with his father?
(a) He wants to go home to Iran.
(b) He doesn't want to move.
(c) His father won't buy him things he wants.
(d) He wants to invite his friends to his house.

6. What bad news does Lester bring Kathy after he visits two more lawyers?
(a) Her only recourse is an injunction against the Behrani family.
(b) Her only legal recourse is against the county for money damages.
(c) Her only legal recourse is to sue the Behranis.
(d) Her only legal recourse is to leave town.

7. What wrongdoing does Lester admit to Kathy during their dinner in the Orion Room?
(a) He planted evidence.
(b) He lied to his partner.
(c) He lied to his children.
(d) He slept with women besides his wife.

8. What is Kathy's pastime when she isn't cleaning houses?
(a) She jogs.
(b) She watches movies all day.
(c) She sleeps the day away.
(d) She works at a volunteer center.

9. Who does Nadereh think Kathy is when she first meets her?
(a) A missionary.
(b) The carpenter's girlfriend.
(c) A visiting neighbor.
(d) A panhandler.

10. Why does Behrani maintain an expensive apartment although his income is low?
(a) To impress his daughter's potential husbands.
(b) To impress his son's high school friends.
(c) Because he doesn't understand money.
(d) Because he has signed an extended lease.

11. When Lester arrives at the house, what law does he tell Behrani he has broken?
(a) Posting a sign on a utility pole.
(b) Posting a sign in the yard.
(c) Selling a house without a realtor.
(d) Advertising a house he does not own.

12. Why does Behmani call Esmail a chicken?
(a) Because of the way he dances.
(b) Because his legs are too thin,
(c) Because it's a term of endearment.
(d) Because he's a coward.

13. How does Nadereh react when her husband assaults Kathy?
(a) She helps him.
(b) She gets in the car with Kathy.
(c) She begs him to stop.
(d) She calls the police.

14. Why does Behrani shave and change clothes before going home from work?
(a) So his son will not know the kind of work he does.
(b) Because he will visit business associates on the way home.
(c) Because he's too uncomfortable to wait.
(d) Because his wife doesn't like him to shower at home.

15. What American saying is similar to, "If there is no snake at your feet, do not lift rocks at the side of the road"?
(a) A penny saved is a penny earned.
(b) Look before you leap.
(c) Don't borrow trouble.
(d) He who hesitates is lost.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Behrani burn his own arm with a cigar?

2. What is Kathy beginning to hope when Lester invites her to bring her things to the fish camp?

3. What advice does Lester Burdon give Kathy regarding her house?

4. What animal is killed to celebrate the Behranis' marriage in Iran?

5. Who owns half of Kathy's house?

(see the answer keys)

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