House of Sand and Fog Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

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House of Sand and Fog Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part II: Section 53.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why doesn't Behrani attempt to explain events to Lester while he seems weak?
(a) Behrani is confused himself.
(b) Behrani is too angry.
(c) Behrani plans to kill Lester with the wrecking bar.
(d) Behrani believes that it is the weak who are truly dangerous.

2. Why does Nadereh ask Kathy to write the things she has told her during their visit?
(a) She wants to show the sheriff.
(b) She understands written English better.
(c) She wants to show her husband.
(d) She wants to have written proof.

3. What does Esmail find the courage to ask Behrani while they are locked in the bathroom?
(a) Were you a member of the secret police?
(b) Have you ever killed anyone?
(c) Do you know how to get us out of here?
(d) Should we have given back the house?

4. How does Kathy spoil Behrani's first attempt to sell the house?
(a) She insults the prospective buyers.
(b) She screams at the prospective buyers that Behrani has stolen the house.
(c) She begs Behrani not to sell.
(d) She brings the eviction records and displays them.

5. What is a widow's walk?
(a) A patio in the backyard.
(b) A balcony on the second story.
(c) A stroll on the beach.
(d) A sidewalk around a house where someone has died.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Behmani call Esmail a chicken?

2. What effect does the ruby in Behrani's ring have on Lester?

3. Why is Nadereh angry that her husband was a high officer in the shah's army?

4. Why doesn't Kathy explain the house situation to Frank?

5. What American saying is similar to, "If there is no snake at your feet, do not lift rocks at the side of the road"?

(see the answer key)

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