The Hound of the Baskervilles Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hound of the Baskervilles Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What state is Sir Henry left in after the attack and the truth about the Stapletons is revealed?
(a) Sir Henry becomes deliriously ill from strain.
(b) Sir Henry is immensely relieved to be rid of them.
(c) Sir Henry becomes murderously angry.
(d) Sir Henry is in a vegetative state of shock.

2. While Sir Henry is inside Merripit House, what begins to happen that Holmes fears could disrupt their plan?
(a) It begins to rain.
(b) Lestrade begins to feel ill.
(c) A windstorm brews.
(d) The fog rolls in.

3. What revelation upsets Laura Lyons?
(a) Frankland is not her father.
(b) Sir Henry is related to her.
(c) Sir Charles is still alive.
(d) Stapleton is married.

4. Why is Barrymore angry after Sir Henry and Watson learn the truth of his strange behavior?
(a) He does not believe Watson and Sir Henry should have hunted after Selden.
(b) Sir Henry refuses to allow the Barrymores to leave for London.
(c) No one believes him when he tells them of the hound.
(d) He believes they were rude to his wife.

5. What does Stapleton do when he visits Baskerville Hall after Watson has followed Sir Henry?
(a) Stapleton strikes Sir Henry for talking to his sister.
(b) Stapleton apologizes for his rudeness to Sir Henry in regards to his sister.
(c) Stapleton tries to hire the Barrymores away from Sir Henry.
(d) Stapleton attempts to pay Sir Henry to leave for London.

6. What do Sir Henry and Watson do to entrap Barrymore?
(a) They have Dr. Mortimer follow Barrymore around for a day.
(b) They trick Barrymore into coming outside with them at night.
(c) They stay up all night until they hear him come to the window with a candle.
(d) They ask Mrs. Barrymore what her husband's habits are at night.

7. Why is Watson feeling coldly towards Frankland?
(a) He believes Frankland abused his daughter.
(b) He disapproves of Frankland's abandonment of his daughter.
(c) He believes Frankland is the one stirring up rumors of the hound.
(d) He believes Frankland had a hand in Sir Charles's death.

8. Who is L.L.?
(a) Laura Lyons, the daughter of Frankland.
(b) Laura Lols, the cousin of Stapleton.
(c) Laura Lancaster, the youngest sister of Frankland.
(d) There is no L.L.

9. In his gratitude for Sir Henry's decision about Selden, what does Barrymore reveal to Sir Henry and Watson?
(a) Sir Charles was at the gate to meet a woman.
(b) Sir Charles was protecting Mrs. Barrymore.
(c) Sir Charles was hoping to confront the hound head-on.
(d) Sir Charles knew he was going to die.

10. Who is bringing Holmes supplies at the hut?
(a) Anthony.
(b) Sir Henry.
(c) Lestrade.
(d) Cartwright.

11. What is Frankland wishing to celebrate?
(a) He found the hound.
(b) He has decided to reunite with his daughter.
(c) He won a large settlement.
(d) He won a lawsuit.

12. What does Watson keep hearing from the moor?
(a) A woman sobbing.
(b) The baying of a hound.
(c) A man screaming.
(d) A train.

13. What does Watson witness when he follows Sir Henry?
(a) Watson sees an encounter between Sir Henry and Miss Stapleton, which is interrupted by Stapleton.
(b) Watson sees a pony sink into the Grimpen Mire.
(c) Watson sees Frankland watching them on his telescope.
(d) Watson sees Sir Henry being stalked by the hound.

14. What is Sir Henry to do while at dinner with the Stapletons?
(a) He is to tell them that he is walking home alone.
(b) He is to tell Mrs. Stapleton of Mrs. Lyons.
(c) He is to ask Mrs. Stapleton to marry him.
(d) He is to tell them that Sherlock Holmes died on the moors.

15. What was spread over the hound to give it a ghoulish look?
(a) Oil.
(b) Swamp water.
(c) Ink.
(d) Phosphorous.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the deal Stapleton strikes with Sir Henry?

2. What must Sir Henry do to help Holmes solve the case?

3. According to the letter to Holmes, what is the status on the escaped convict?

4. According to Watson, what is one of Holmes's faults?

5. What does Frankland show Watson on his telescope?

(see the answer keys)

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