Hot Six Test | Final Test - Medium

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Hot Six Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is watching TV at Stephanie's place when she gets home?
(a) Grandma.
(b) Mooner.
(c) Morelli.
(d) Ranger.

2. Who does Stephanie see when she takes Bob out for a walk?
(a) Mitchell and Habib and Joyce.
(b) Alexander.
(c) Morelli.
(d) The police.

3. Who is waiting for Stephanie when she gets home?
(a) Morelli.
(b) Mooner.
(c) Joyce Barnhardt.
(d) Ranger.

4. Why does Stephanie try not to cry?
(a) Because Grandma is still living there.
(b) Because Stephanie is driving a car she hates.
(c) Because Ranger is angry with her.
(d) Because she can't get Mooner out of her place.

5. Why does Stephanie leave her ex-husband's office?
(a) She learns her ex has yet another girlfriend.
(b) She is driven away through embarrassment.
(c) She is thrown out.
(d) She gets all the information she needs.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Bob eating in the kitchen?

2. How do the people at Stephanie's office keep Mitchell and Habib from following her?

3. What do they do with the dead body in Cynthia's car?

4. To what subject does the conversation among Mooner, Dougie and Stephanie turn?

5. What does Ramos ask of Stephanie before she drops him back at his house?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Stephanie's grandma buy and what do you think this symbolizes?

2. Why do you think Stephanie is so amenable to doing what Ranger asks her to do?

3. What does Ranger tell Stephanie when he stops her while she is out walking the dog and do you think Morelli had a hand in Ranger's decision?

4. Why are the crime organizations angry at Homer and could this have something to do with his alleged death?

5. What is one thing that is ironic about how Stephanie and Lula manage to finally get Munson into her car?

6. What does Evanovich do organizationally that helps keep the reader turning the pages?

7. Why do you think Stephanie goes to the trouble to buy an alarm at Radio Shack just to catch Ranger sneaking into her house?

8. How does Stephanie obtain information about the Ramos family in her "own back yard" so to speak and how is this ironic?

9. What happens when Stephanie talks to Cynthia Lotte and what does this say about Stephanie?

10. What is the parallel between Stephanie and cars, and Ranger and dead bodies?

(see the answer keys)

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