The Hostage Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hostage Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does the Soldier say those who are parted will all be brought together?
(a) When they are destroyed by the H-bomb.
(b) When they die.
(c) When they move to England.
(d) When they choose peace.

2. What does Pat promise Teresa if she can keep her mouth shut?
(a) She can have a home there the rest of her life.
(b) She can have whatever she wants.
(c) She will not be put in jail.
(d) She will not be charged rent the next month.

3. What do Meg, Teresa and Mulleady discuss?
(a) How horrible the Officer is.
(b) How Pat could go along with this plan.
(c) How the British prisoner must be feeling.
(d) How the Irish prisoner must be feeling.

4. What ironic comment does Pat make, regarding what Monsewar has told him?
(a) How sad it is that the IRA is fighting again.
(b) How great it is the IRA is fighting again.
(c) How he wishes the IRA would fight again.
(d) How wonderful it is to be British.

5. Why can Mulleady not leave with Miss Gilchrist?
(a) He works at the house.
(b) He has not paid his rent.
(c) He does not want to leave.
(d) His things are still in his room.

Short Answer Questions

1. This raucous comedy-drama tells the parallel stories of what two people?

2. How does Monsewer go out after hearing this news?

3. What does Pat say about the tenants' money?

4. About what does Pat sing?

5. What does Monsewer think about Irish martyrs?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Pat feel about the way that Meg talks to him?

2. Why is Monsewer playing the bagpipes?

3. What does Mulleady think about the Polish sailor? What is Pat's response?

4. How does Miss Gilchrist respond when the others angrily ask her about her name?

5. Of what does the Soldier try to convince Meg?

6. What is revealed about Teresa in this scene?

7. What does the Officer ask about Teresa? What is Pat's response?

8. What do Meg and Pat say about Monsewer's past?

9. What does Monsewer want to do with the Soldier? To what does this lead?

10. Why does Meg appear? What does the Officer think of this?

(see the answer keys)

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