The Hostage Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hostage Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Teresa do when she finds out that the Officer never gave the Soldier the cigarettes she brought?
(a) She argues with the Officer.
(b) She cries.
(c) She goes to get him cigarettes.
(d) She curses.

2. What does the Soldier say about the members of the British Parliament?
(a) They are cruel.
(b) They are concerned with only the British cause.
(c) They are more into their own concerns and lives than anything else.
(d) They are heartless.

3. About what is Meg's song?
(a) Irish rebels being attacked by the British in the way the Germans in World War II attacked the French.
(b) Regret and loneliness.
(c) Love and compassion.
(d) Peace between the Irish and British.

4. Why can neither the Soldier or the Volunteer go?
(a) The Soldier is a prisoner, and the Volunteer is on duty for another hour.
(b) The Soldier is a prisoner, and the Volunteer does not want to take him anywhere.
(c) The Soldier is a prisoner, and the Volunteer is too lazy.
(d) The Soldier is on duty, and the Volunteer is a prisoner.

5. About whom is the article?
(a) The King.
(b) The Queen.
(c) The military.
(d) The IRA.

6. What does Monsewer remember when talking to the Soldier?
(a) Dancing Irish jigs as a child.
(b) His time as a soldier.
(c) Playing cricket as a boy.
(d) Learning to play the bagpipes.

7. What does Teresa do when the Officer comes in?
(a) She climbs out the window.
(b) She hides in the closet.
(c) She hides behind the door.
(d) She hides under the bed.

8. How does the scene end?
(a) They sing and dance together, and at the end of the song they go to bed.
(b) Teresa climbs out the window.
(c) The Officer opens the door and finds Teresa in the room with the Soldier.
(d) Teresa leaves.

9. What does the Soldier say he has done wrong?
(a) He was a spy.
(b) He stole money from the IRA.
(c) Nothing.
(d) He shot an IRA officer.

10. What does the Soldier wonder about Teresa?
(a) Where she is from.
(b) Why she is here.
(c) Whether she will bring him the tea.
(d) Whether she will bring him his dinner.

11. As Meg makes crude jokes, what does Miss Gilchrist say?
(a) She needs to leave.
(b) She should be quiet.
(c) She would be smarter to spend her time cleaning her house instead of joking.
(d) She is rude and annoying.

12. What does the Soldier try to convince Meg to ask the Officer?
(a) When he will be executed.
(b) Why he was kidnapped.
(c) If he will be freed.
(d) When breakfast will be.

13. What does an article in the paper say about the "the condemned soldier?"
(a) He will be freed.
(b) He will be a martyr.
(c) He is innocent.
(d) He is not going to be reprieved.

14. What do Meg and Miss Gilchrist tell Pat he needs to reconsider?
(a) His position.
(b) His haircut.
(c) What he charges for rent.
(d) His life.

15. What does the Soldier realize that he has in common with the Irish soldier?
(a) They are from the same town.
(b) They are related.
(c) They are both Irish.
(d) They are the same age.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Mulleady reads some of the article aloud, what does Pat say?

2. What does Meg say about killing both soldiers?

3. What story does Teresa tell?

4. What does the Soldier say about dying?

5. While the Soldier is gone, what does Teresa do?

(see the answer keys)

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