The Hostage Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hostage Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On what does Pat insist from the officer?
(a) Rent in advance.
(b) A bonus check.
(c) An award.
(d) A letter of recommendation.

2. How does Pat say he lost his leg?
(a) As a soldier.
(b) He had it amputated after an infection.
(c) In an automobile accident.
(d) As a child.

3. Why does Mulleady say Colette should not have to service the Polish sailor?
(a) He is a Pole.
(b) He is a member of the IRA.
(c) He is a stranger.
(d) He is a Communist.

4. The Officer says the prisoner will be arriving soon but what?
(a) He will be very disagreeable.
(b) They have not actually captured him yet.
(c) He is injured.
(d) He may not be the only one.

5. As Pat comments on how pretty Teresa is, what does Meg say?
(a) He would be better off not looking at Teresa.
(b) He should leave Teresa alone.
(c) He would say she would look like a whore if he was drunk.
(d) He sould keep his thoughts to himself.

6. How did Monsewer choose his title?
(a) He grew tired of his name.
(b) He wishes he were French.
(c) He wanted to sound sophisticated.
(d) He wanted nothing to do with anything English such as the title "mister."

7. What does Teresa insist will be a shame?
(a) If the prisoner escapes.
(b) When the prisoner dies.
(c) When the prisoner arrives.
(d) If the prisoner is a kind man.

8. What circumstances do Meg and Pat discuss?
(a) How horrible Monsewer's mother was.
(b) The circumstances by which they came to work at this boarding house.
(c) Monsewer's move to Ireland as a child.
(d) The manipulative circumstances of the treaty's signing.

9. What does Pat say about the tenants' money?
(a) It is no good.
(b) It is good no matter who or what they are.
(c) It does not cover the expenses of the boarding house.
(d) It is only good when rent is paid in full.

10. After saying she will pray for everyone, what does Miss Gilchrist do?
(a) She begins to laugh.
(b) She leaves.
(c) She sits on the couch.
(d) She kneels down to pray.

11. How does Miss Gilchrist respond to angry inquiries about what her name means?
(a) With a haughty comment about her name meaning she is a servant of Christ.
(b) With a haughty comment about her name meaning she is a daughter of Christ.
(c) With a haughty comment about her name meaning she is a message from Christ.
(d) With a haughty comment about her name meaning she is a gift of Christ.

12. About what does Pat sing?
(a) How he wonders what life is like outside of Ireland.
(b) How wonderful the Brits are.
(c) How strong the IRA once was.
(d) How he wishes he were an Irishman.

13. What does his missing leg have to do with his conversation with Meg?
(a) She should be careful when she has an infection, or she could end up without a leg too.
(b) He should not be talked to rudely because he lost his leg as a soldier.
(c) Meg does not know the entire story surrounding his missing leg and she should be quiet.
(d) He cannot help that he was in a car accident and should not be teased.

14. What does Pat do when Colette takes the money?
(a) He tells her to return the money immediately.
(b) He indicates that the sailor should follow her into her room.
(c) He reprimands her for being greedy.
(d) He takes the money from her.

15. Why do Meg and Teresa enter the scene at this point?
(a) To make sure Pat is alright.
(b) To speak to the Officer.
(c) To make the bed ready.
(d) To check on the Prisoner.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Meg tell Teresa about Monswer?

2. This person who will soon be arriving is what?

3. What do Pat and Meg say about Monsewer's history?

4. Why does Meg tell Teresa to stop thinking about this person's fate?

5. How does Monsewer go out after hearing this news?

(see the answer keys)

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