Horseman, Pass By Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Horseman, Pass By Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Hermy planning to do for the first time?
(a) Ride a bronco.
(b) Ride a bull.
(c) Barrel race.
(d) Rope cattle.

2. Where does Lonnie go?
(a) To his private camping spot.
(b) Thalia.
(c) To find Jesse.
(d) To his room to sleep.

3. What does Lonnie see when he looks in Halmea's window?
(a) Lonnie's Granny and Halmea arguing.
(b) A man Lonnie does not know talking to Halmea.
(c) Hud is on top of Halmea.
(d) Nothing.

4. Who is unconscious on the floor in Halmea's house?
(a) Jesse.
(b) No one.
(c) Granny.
(d) Granddad.

5. What is Granddad wearing?
(a) Just his nightshirt.
(b) His rodeo duds.
(c) His usual rancher outfit.
(d) A suit as if he is going to church.

6. Why does Granddad fire Jesse and Lonzo?
(a) They can get unemployment if they are fired instead of quitting.
(b) He has no work for them.
(c) They were no help slaughtering the cattle.
(d) He does not fire them.

7. Who does Lonnie find drunk?
(a) Jesse.
(b) Jonesy.
(c) Hermy.
(d) Granddad.

8. What is Granddad's state?
(a) Drunk.
(b) Confused.
(c) Angry.
(d) Happy.

9. What does Granddad tell Lonnie?
(a) That Granny inherits the ranch.
(b) That Granddad is the only owner of the ranch.
(c) That Hud is half owner of the ranch.
(d) That he is calling the sheriff and having Hud thrown off the ranch.

10. Why does Lonnie hide?
(a) He is afraid of Hud.
(b) He does not hide.
(c) He does not want to talk to anyone.
(d) He is afraid of talking to the sheriff.

11. What does Lonnie decide to do after talking with Hud?
(a) Ride a bronco.
(b) Kill Hud.
(c) Enter the calf roping event.
(d) Warn Granddad.

12. What does the preacher say about Granddad?
(a) He hated the earth.
(b) Not much.
(c) He accepted death.
(d) Lies.

13. What does Hud say is for the best?
(a) That Lonnie go on home.
(b) That Granny not know how Granddad dies.
(c) That Hud shot Granddad.
(d) That Granddad dies of his injuries.

14. What is brought to the house by the neighbors?
(a) Food.
(b) Flowers.
(c) Nothing since Granddad was not liked.
(d) Men to help with the ranch.

15. What do Lonnie and Jesse play at Halmea's home?
(a) Gin Rummy.
(b) Poker.
(c) Chinese checkers.
(d) Pick up sticks.

Short Answer Questions

1. For whom is Granddad asking?

2. To whom does Lonnie say goodbye?

3. How does Granddad seem after the cattle slaughter?

4. Who does Lonnie not like?

5. How is Hud the night Halmea goes out?

(see the answer keys)

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