Horseman, Pass By Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Horseman, Pass By Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is Hud as a cowboy?
(a) He is not a cowboy.
(b) He is a bit of a fumbler.
(c) He's a great roper but not very good with horses.
(d) He is good at what he does.

2. What does Halmea say she wants when Lonnie asks her?
(a) Lots of money.
(b) A new job.
(c) A gun.
(d) Protection.

3. Who returns as Lonnie is just getting up the next morning?
(a) The vet.
(b) Hud's cousin.
(c) Hud and his mother.
(d) The sheriff.

4. Who is Hud?
(a) A son from Granny's prevoius marriage.
(b) Larry's brother.
(c) A Mexican field hand.
(d) A cowboy who arrives from Montana.

5. What does Lonnie think young people want to do in the present?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Experience all the excitement they can find in life.
(c) Eat, sleep and do drugs.
(d) Stay on the family farms and feel connected.

6. What did Lonzo do all night?
(a) Sleep in the hayloft with a woman.
(b) Keep Hud from doing something stupid.
(c) Work on the book he is writing.
(d) Guard the cow from buzzards.

7. What is Halmea doing in the kitchen when Lonnie carries in groceries?
(a) Crying and holding her breast.
(b) Sharpening a butcher's knife.
(c) Sitting at the table drinking coffee.
(d) Making biscuits.

8. What does Lonnie do with his buddies?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Goes to the state line to get beer.
(c) Searches for clues in the hills of the source of the diseaese.
(d) Goes to a dance.

9. What does Hud do to anyone who seems weak?
(a) Knocks them around.
(b) Patiently teaches them.
(c) Ignores them.
(d) Teases them.

10. What do all the men start doing the next morning?
(a) Branding.
(b) Fixing their riding gear.
(c) Rounding up cattle.
(d) Culling young bulls from the herd.

11. How old is Lonnie at the opening of Chapter 1?
(a) 22.
(b) 15.
(c) 33.
(d) 17.

12. What does Mr. Burris suggest as an alternative means for money?
(a) Chickens.
(b) Corn.
(c) Soybeans.
(d) Oil.

13. Of what does Lonnie dream?
(a) He is too drunk to dream.
(b) Girls.
(c) Moving in the bunkhouse and becoming a real cowboy.
(d) Owning the ranch someday.

14. How does Granddad respond to Lonzo's suggestion?
(a) He plans to start moving the cattle to the hills the next morning.
(b) He wants to wait to see the outcome.
(c) He calls in another vet.
(d) He tells everyone they don't have time to rest.

15. What big city does Lonnie remember?
(a) Fort Worth.
(b) Oklahoma City.
(c) Tulsa.
(d) Houston.

Short Answer Questions

1. What has technology done to the rural way of life?

2. What was life like before the arrival of mass communication?

3. Why is Granny going into the city?

4. What does Jesse do as the others return to the house?

5. How does Lonnie deal with his restlessness?

(see the answer keys)

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