The Horse and His Boy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Horse and His Boy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is a scimitar?
(a) A head covering
(b) A rank in the Calormene army
(c) A special kind of saddle
(d) A short, curved sword

2. What causes the horses to gallop side-by-side?
(a) The road becomes narrower and narrower.
(b) They are both being chased by a lion.
(c) They recognize each other as friends.
(d) Their riders steer them together.

3. How did Bree know that the mysterious horse following them was a fine blood mare?
(a) By the sound of her voice
(b) By her silhouette
(c) By the sound of her hooves
(d) By the gear she was carrying

4. How does Shasta get breakfast?
(a) He steals some bread from a baker.
(b) He catches a fish and cooks it.
(c) He kills a rabbit by the river.
(d) He raids a garden for fruit.

5. How did Bree end up as a warhorse?
(a) He was raised in the Tisroc's stables from birth.
(b) He decided to seek his fortune as war.
(c) He was stolen from Narnia as a colt.
(d) He was bought by the stranger in the south.

6. Which is the only traffic regulation in Tashbaan?
(a) Watch out for where you are stepping and keep your feet clean.
(b) Get out of the way of people who are more important than you are.
(c) Horses and carts have to move to the left side of the road.
(d) Tolls must be paid to get in and out of the city gates.

7. Why is Shasta sore when he wakes up?
(a) He was beaten by the fisherman.
(b) He isn't used to riding a horse.
(c) He fell onto a cactus while galloping.
(d) He sprained an ankle running.

8. Why do the wild animals run away?
(a) A lion roars at them.
(b) Shasta throws stones at them.
(c) The cat scratches them.
(d) Shasta lights a fire.

9. Why does King Edmund scold Shasta?
(a) For ruining his clothes and shoes
(b) For fighting with others in the street
(c) For smelling like he's slept in a stable
(d) For keeping silent and hanging his head

10. What does Shasta figure out about King Edmund and Queen Susan?
(a) That they are under a magical enchantment
(b) That they are brother and sister
(c) That they have been traveling for weeks
(d) That they were born outside Narnia

11. What does the narrator tell us about King Edmund and Queen Susan?
(a) That they had ruled Narnia for several years
(b) That they are under a magical enchantment
(c) That they are looking for their lost sister
(d) That they are planning to kidnap Shasta

12. Aravis sent a letter to her father. Who supposedly wrote it?
(a) Ahoshta Tarkaan
(b) Aravis's stepmother
(c) Her friend, Lasaraleen
(d) A priestess of Zardeenah

13. What did the letter say?
(a) That Aravis had been killed in an accident
(b) That Aravis and Ahoshta were already married
(c) That Aravis was visiting her friend for a week
(d) That Aravis needed more time at the temple

14. Who is really leading the companions through the city?
(a) Shasta
(b) Aravis
(c) Bree
(d) A guard

15. Of the four companions, which two seem to get along the best?
(a) Aravis and Shasta
(b) Bree and Aravis
(c) Shasta and Hwin
(d) Hwin and Bree

Short Answer Questions

1. What, according to Aravis, happened to the slave girl she drugged?

2. What does Shasta see beyond the river and gardens?

3. What is Bree's assessment of Shasta as a rider?

4. What is the most likely meaning for the phrase "the sun appeared dark in her eyes?"

5. How do Aravis and Lasaraleen know that the Tisroc is heading towards them?

(see the answer keys)

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