The Horse and His Boy Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Horse and His Boy Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 3, At the Gates of Tashbaan.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Aravis tell her father she wanted to do?
(a) Go immediately to meet her new husband in the city.
(b) Travel south to a temple to sacrifice a lamb to the Gods.
(c) Visit her cousin in the city to buy clothes for the wedding.
(d) Prepare for her marriage by spending three days in the woods.

2. How much does Arsheesh ask for Shasta?
(a) Twenty-five crescents
(b) Seventy crescents
(c) Fifteen crescents
(d) Fifty crescents

3. What was Aravis's first reaction to her family's plans?
(a) She wept for an entire day.
(b) She ran away from home.
(c) She tried to kill herself.
(d) She tried to reason with her father.

4. How did Bree know that the mysterious horse following them was a fine blood mare?
(a) By her silhouette
(b) By the sound of her voice
(c) By the gear she was carrying
(d) By the sound of her hooves

5. What does Bree tell Shasta never to touch?
(a) The gold in the Tarkaan's bag
(b) Bree's tail
(c) The cinch on the saddle
(d) The reins to his bridle

Short Answer Questions

1. Of the four companions, which two seem to get along the best?

2. What does Bree ask Aravis to do once they have stopped to rest?

3. Bree makes sure to start their journey by

4. Before he met Bree, Shasta's riding was limited to

5. Bree praises Aravis for

(see the answer key)

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