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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Why does Baddlestone turn the papers over to Hornblower?
2. How old is Hornblower at the opening of this short story?
3. What bothers Hornblower about the letter from McCool?
4. What do the men confined below decks do?
5. What does Hornblower find in a secret compartment in the chest?
Short Essay Questions
1. Describe the fight to gain control of the French brig.
2. What is most useful about the document that Hornblower brings to the admiralty?
3. What man is aboard the Epérance in whom the English seem interested?
4. Why is Hornblower privy to the information passed with the signal flags?
5. Describe the outcome of the court martial and the events up to when McCool is hanged.
6. What are several factors that cause Marsden to be impressed with Hornblower?
7. Describe the situation about McCool's chest and what Hornblower ultimately decides to do.
8. What are Hornblower's thoughts about Ireland's plight?
9. How does Marsden describe the encounter between Calder and Villeneuve?
10. What does Hornblower hand over to Marsden and Barrow, and what do they make of it?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
In "Hornblower's Temptation," Hornblower is a very young officer and is given a great deal of responsibility to manage a fairly sly prisoner. Discuss the following:
1. Do you think in the "real" world, a young officer would be given charge of a prisoner such as McCool? Why or why not?
2. What do you think it says about Hornblower's reputation that he is assigned this duty?
3. What sort of character traits do you think a man (at that time) would possess who would attain the rank of admiral, a rank only a tiny fraction of officers ever earn? Does Hornblower possess all or many of the characteristics you name? Hornblower eventually earns the rank of admiral in later books of the series. Can you see a hint of that in his behavior in Hornblower During the Crisis and "Hornblower's Tempation"?
Essay Topic 2
Most protagonists are a mixture of admirable traits and character flaws, and Horatio Hornblower is no exception. Hornblower's legendary powers of reasoning is juxtaposed with his nervousness and internalized self-doubt. Discuss the following:
1. Trace and analyze situations when Hornblower demonstrates his powers of reasoning and ability to act in a crisis. Give specific examples to illustrate your analysis. Are Hornblower's strengths apparent in each of the three stories?
2. Trace and analyze Hornblower's character flaws, especially his nervousness and self-doubt, offering specific examples of these flaws in your discussion. Are these flaws apparent in each of the three stories?
3. Compare the young Hornblower from Horn to the older Hornblower in HORNBLOWER DURING THE CRISIS to the elderly Hornblower in "The Last Encounter." How are they alike? What traits are apparent in each selection? How has Hornblower matured?
Essay Topic 3
C. S. Forester often uses historical events and facts around which to weave his work of fiction. Discuss the following:
1. Do you think this book qualifies as an historical fiction? Why or why not?
2. If much of the events in the book are historical, what surprises you about the way the events play out?
3. Do you think the culture of that era is more or less advanced than you imagined? Explain.
4. Would you enjoy living in this era? Why or why not.
This section contains 1,282 words (approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page) |
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