Hornblower During the Crisis Test | Final Test - Medium

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Hornblower During the Crisis Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the end result of Hornblower delivering the false orders to Villeneuve?
(a) It is never said.
(b) Hornblower is imprisoned for several years as he is caught.
(c) The battle of Trafalgar.
(d) Hornblower is promoted once more.

2. What seems almost surreal to Hornblower?
(a) Nothing.
(b) The way the land sways under his feet.
(c) The big city.
(d) Seeing his wife with his infant son so soon after hacking apart Frenchmen.

3. What bargain does McCool strike with Hornblower?
(a) No bargain.
(b) McCool will be silent if Hornblower will get him a pint of ale.
(c) McCool can kill himself by pretending to overpower Hornblower.
(d) McCool's silence for Hornblower delivering a letter to his widow.

4. What does Hornblower suggest could be used from the document?
(a) That they could use Napoleon's signature to create a false treaty that would then be circulated.
(b) That the seal and signature could be copied and false orders created.
(c) That they could use Josephine's signature to make Napoleon doubt her.
(d) That they could set up an ambush at the location mentioned.

5. Why does Baddlestone turn the papers over to Hornblower?
(a) Baddlestone suggests that Hornblower will gain prestige by presenting them.
(b) Baddlestone does not want to deal with them.
(c) Baddlestone is afraid of getting pressed into service.
(d) Baddlestone does not know how to go about getting them to the right people.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who lectures Hornblower?

2. What is Hornblower to keep McCool from doing?

3. To what ship is Hornblower assigned?

4. What is Hornblower's opinion about Ireland?

5. Where is Hornblower going after he has visited his wife?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do the formerly sleeping watch sailors do as Hornblower is contemplating what to do with the ship?

2. Describe the outcome of the court martial and the events up to when McCool is hanged.

3. What procedures are followed by Hornblower and others once McCool is aboard the Renown?

4. What are the setting and circumstances at the opening of this short story?

5. How do the Englishmen get over to the French brig?

6. What is most useful about the document that Hornblower brings to the admiralty?

7. What man is aboard the Epérance in whom the English seem interested?

8. Describe Meadows.

9. What does Hornblower do while the men are destroying the ship?

10. Describe the fight to gain control of the French brig.

(see the answer keys)

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