Hornblower During the Crisis Test | Final Test - Easy

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Hornblower During the Crisis Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the most important thing that Hornblower takes from the French brig?
(a) A sense of pride.
(b) Documents.
(c) Money.
(d) Being able to tell Meadow's wife of his heroism.

2. Where does Hornblower go before leaving the French brig?
(a) To the poop deck.
(b) To the bridge.
(c) To the topmast.
(d) To the Captain's quarters.

3. What do the Englishmen do upon arriving at the French brig?
(a) Punch holes in it so it will sink.
(b) Sweep the deck clear of French sailors.
(c) Negotiate a surrender.
(d) Set it afire.

4. What does Hornblower suggest to Baddlestone about the papers from the French brig?
(a) That he should try to get a good price for them.
(b) That they should be turned over to the admiralty.
(c) That he should burn them.
(d) Nothing.

5. What do the men confined below decks do?
(a) Set fire to the ship.
(b) Start shooting through the deck and disable the tiller.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Pound on the door.

6. What does Hornblower debate about doing?
(a) How to keep McCool from making a speech at his hanging.
(b) Giving McCool the means of suicide.
(c) Letting McCool escape.
(d) Drugging McCool so he does not have to be nervous at his hanging.

7. Who is Mr. Barrow?
(a) The secretary to Admiral Huffington.
(b) The secretary to Admiral Pembroke.
(c) The Prince of Wales' aide de camp.
(d) The assistant to the secretary to the admiralty.

8. What bargain does McCool strike with Hornblower?
(a) McCool can kill himself by pretending to overpower Hornblower.
(b) No bargain.
(c) McCool's silence for Hornblower delivering a letter to his widow.
(d) McCool will be silent if Hornblower will get him a pint of ale.

9. What do the men on the Princess do to the French men who board?
(a) Strip them and then throw them overboard.
(b) Throw them overboard immediately.
(c) Capture them.
(d) Kill them.

10. What is the most important thing about the letter?
(a) The locations mentioned.
(b) The seal and signature.
(c) The dates mentioned.
(d) There is nothing important about it.

11. What is the name of the French brig prize?
(a) La Fortres.
(b) Josephine.
(c) Epérance.
(d) Papillion.

12. About whom are the signals concerned?
(a) The Captain of the Josephine.
(b) The Captain of the Epérance.
(c) Barry I. McCool.
(d) The Captain of the Papillion.

13. With what is the document sealed that Hornblower delivered to the Admiralty?
(a) The document is not sealed.
(b) A seal that Napoleon has not used for several years.
(c) The emblem of the Duke of Muscovy.
(d) The newest seals of the empire.

14. What do the English do with the two long boats?
(a) They are sunk.
(b) Take them to the French brig.
(c) Board them an head for land.
(d) Keep them moored to the Princess.

15. Who has intercepted Villeneuve?
(a) Only the Channel fleet.
(b) Nelson.
(c) No one.
(d) Calder.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hornblower do when he first makes shore?

2. What does Sawyer call for immediately after talking with the lieutenant of the prize crew?

3. How does Maria act when Hornblower arrives?

4. What does the secretary believe about the weighted packet?

5. What bothers Hornblower about the letter from McCool?

(see the answer keys)

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