Hornblower During the Crisis Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Hornblower During the Crisis Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Bush react to Hornblower's teasing?
(a) Apologetic.
(b) Angry.
(c) With his own teasing.
(d) With umbrage.

2. What is vital to keeping Bonaparte from crossing the English Channel?
(a) Concerted movements of the English fleet.
(b) Good cannons along the shore.
(c) Reliable spies keeping track of the French fleet's movements.
(d) The French would never dare cross the channel.

3. What does Baddlestone ask of Hornblower immediately upon Hornblower's arrival on the Princess?
(a) If Hornblower would like dinner.
(b) If Hornblower needed to use the head.
(c) Hornblower's warrant.
(d) If Hornblower could climb the riggings.

4. Who huddles below deck?
(a) Captain Meadows.
(b) No one.
(c) All the officers on the Princess.
(d) The extra men on the Princess.

5. What do the naval officers do as they become restless?
(a) Start fighting while gambling.
(b) Start picking on the enlisted men.
(c) Criticize Baddlestone and the Princess.
(d) Become sloppy in their dress and behavior.

6. Why does Meadows assume command?
(a) Hornblower asks it of him.
(b) Hornblower lets him in hopes he'll regain his honor.
(c) He is senior officer.
(d) Baddlestone asks him to.

7. What is the verdict for Bush?
(a) They do not adjudicate Bush.
(b) Guilty.
(c) Innocent but he should have intervened.
(d) He is cleared.

8. What does Hornblower say about conditions in Hotspur's assigned area?
(a) Sometimes the conditions can be difficult but usually not.
(b) It is generally calm and very little impedments.
(c) There are difficult local conditions.
(d) It is deep water.

9. What is passing by as Hornblower comes up on the deck of the Princess?
(a) A large English fleet.
(b) A French privateer.
(c) An American privateer.
(d) A pod of whales.

10. Who pursues the French fleet?
(a) No one.
(b) Leighton.
(c) Nelson.
(d) Cornwallis.

11. Who is taking over command of the vessel Hornblower is leaving?
(a) Cornwallis.
(b) Meadows.
(c) Johnson.
(d) Bush.

12. Why does Baddlestone agree to Hornblower's plan?
(a) He fears the loss of his ship.
(b) He has not better plan.
(c) He is coerced.
(d) He trusts Hornblower.

13. Where are the officers of the Hotspur going?
(a) Most have been dismissed from service.
(b) To England to seek reappointment.
(c) Back to Brest.
(d) They are being distributed among Calder's fleet.

14. What kind of ship is it that they see?
(a) An American privateer.
(b) A French privateer.
(c) A Dutch merchant vessel.
(d) A French brig of war.

15. What does Meadows hope?
(a) That he will get the French vessel as prize money.
(b) That success will help his future.
(c) That the French ship will lose interest.
(d) That the French ship will be accosted by the English fleet.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Prowse?

2. What is spotted a few days later?

3. With what do the men arm themselves?

4. What command is Hornblower leaving?

5. Why does the Princess finally head for England?

(see the answer keys)

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