Hornblower During the Crisis Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Hornblower During the Crisis Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who comes over to the Princess?
(a) Admiral Leighton.
(b) Captain Johnson.
(c) Men from the Hotspur.
(d) Admiral Cornwallis.

2. Who is better informed than Hornblower?
(a) Bush.
(b) Baddlestone.
(c) Meadows.
(d) No one.

3. What does Hornblower examine aboard the Princess?
(a) The way the sails are set.
(b) The way the main mast if far foward compared to most ships.
(c) His tiny cabin.
(d) The crew.

4. What greets the new captain on Hotspur?
(a) A sailor singing the British Naval anthem.
(b) Only about half the crew; the others are on shore leave.
(c) Botswain's whistles and a drum.
(d) An new missive vacating the captain's orders.

5. What does it seem Meadows has done?
(a) Deliberately ignore repeated warnings by Bush.
(b) Ignored protocal.
(c) Nothing that any other captain wouldn't do.
(d) Made a navigational mistake.

6. Why does Meadows assume command?
(a) Hornblower lets him in hopes he'll regain his honor.
(b) Hornblower asks it of him.
(c) He is senior officer.
(d) Baddlestone asks him to.

7. How does Bush react to Hornblower's teasing?
(a) Apologetic.
(b) With umbrage.
(c) With his own teasing.
(d) Angry.

8. Who will be assisting Calder?
(a) The fleet under the command of Cornwallis.
(b) The 3rd Navy's fleet.
(c) No one.
(d) The Channel fleet.

9. Who is the Captain of the hoy transferring Hornblower?
(a) Japes.
(b) Jones.
(c) Baddlestone.
(d) Bradwell.

10. What is Calder's assignment?
(a) To intercept and destroy the French fleet coming his way.
(b) To take the Admiral's flagship to dry dock.
(c) To rendezvous with Admiral Nelson.
(d) To reunite two of the smaller English fleets in the Baltic area.

11. Why does the Princess ride high in the water?
(a) Because it's trim is set that way.
(b) Because the captain has the sails set for speed.
(c) Because it has no cargo.
(d) Because the hull is narrow.

12. What does Meadows call Baddlestone?
(a) A incompetent windbag.
(b) A likeable enough fellow.
(c) His cross.
(d) An extremely competent sailor.

13. What is the verdict for Bush?
(a) They do not adjudicate Bush.
(b) He is cleared.
(c) Guilty.
(d) Innocent but he should have intervened.

14. Why does Hornblower ask permission to talk to Bush?
(a) So Meadows will realize that Bush is an outstanding sailor.
(b) Because Bush is busy.
(c) To be polite, though it's not required.
(d) To ask Bush to have a sailor transfer Hornblower's baggage.

15. Where are the officers of the Hotspur going?
(a) To England to seek reappointment.
(b) Most have been dismissed from service.
(c) They are being distributed among Calder's fleet.
(d) Back to Brest.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Hornblower invite Meadows to receive the ship's papers?

2. What is Hornblower's status aboard the Hotspur once Meadows' orders are read?

3. On whom does Hornblower rely in managing the everyday activities of Hotspur?

4. Who is commanding the French fleet that recently escapes from the Mediterranean?

5. To whom is Hornblower wishing luck at the opening of the novel?

(see the answer keys)

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