Hopscotch Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hopscotch Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of circus attraction does Manolo Traveler manage?
(a) A spider that knits.
(b) A dog that talks.
(c) A tiger that dances.
(d) A cat that counts.

2. What absurdist writer is quoted in Chapter 145?
(a) Ionesco.
(b) Gombrowicz.
(c) Camus.
(d) Durrenmatt.

3. How do Horacio and Traveler pass long stretches of free time in the asylum in Chapter 52?
(a) They argue politics.
(b) They play poker.
(c) They taunt the inmates.
(d) They read.

4. What is La Maga doing in Paris, according to Chapter 35?
(a) Working as a prostitute.
(b) Living under a bridge.
(c) Confined in an asylum.
(d) Attending to the dying Pola.

5. What does Morelli give Horacio to take to the writer's flat in Chapter 154?
(a) Opium.
(b) Cat food.
(c) A stack of old books.
(d) Some pages.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 87, a number by what musician is discussed?

2. In Chapter 43, what does Talita reveal about Traveler's strained state of mind?

3. In Chapter 57, what does Horacio say he is confused about?

4. Who is Emanuele?

5. Who is Horacio thinking about in Chapter 48?

Short Essay Questions

1. What cold comfort does Horacio offer La Maga in Chapter 108?

2. What do Ronald and Etienne discuss in Chapter 142?

3. How does the Serpent Club's final gathering end?

4. How do Traveler and Horacio put Talita in a ridiculous position in Chapter 41?

5. What does Horacio do before coming to Buenos Aires?

6. Describe Manolo and Talia Traveler's lives in Buenos Aires.

7. What task does Morelli give Horacio and Etienne in Chapter 154?

8. Why is the Morelli argument in Chapter 99 a relief to Horacio?

9. How does Horacio get arrested at the Ponts des Arts in Chapter 36?

10. How does Horacio settle in Buenos Aires in this section?

(see the answer keys)

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