Hopscotch Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hopscotch Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 92, where do Pola and Horacio have their second tryst?
(a) Horacio's flat.
(b) A park.
(c) A hotel in Bern.
(d) Pola's flat.

2. What is revolutionary about the novel Morelli is writing in Chapter 154?
(a) It is over 4,000 pages long.
(b) It can be read in any order.
(c) It contains no characters.
(d) It is written in a made-up language.

3. What two items does Horacio asks Traveler for in Chapter 41?
(a) Cana and eggs.
(b) Yerba and nails.
(c) Nails and Cana.
(d) Eggs and yerba.

4. Who is the person that Horacio thinks is Maga when he sees her playing hopscotch in Chapter 54?
(a) A nurse.
(b) Talita.
(c) Gekrepten.
(d) A patient.

5. Which character gets trapped between two windows in Chapter 41?
(a) Traveler.
(b) Horacio.
(c) Gekrepten.
(d) Talita.

6. With whom does Talita say she is having tea in Chapter 47?
(a) Horacio.
(b) Traveler.
(c) Gekrepten.
(d) Cuca.

7. What absurdist writer is quoted in Chapter 145?
(a) Durrenmatt.
(b) Ionesco.
(c) Camus.
(d) Gombrowicz.

8. In Chapter 46, what does Traveler protest that he will never do to Horacio?
(a) Forgive him for what he has done to Talita.
(b) Hurt him.
(c) Ask him to leave.
(d) Lend him money.

9. What task is Horacio undertaking at the beginning of Chapter 41?
(a) Washing shirts.
(b) Sanding the floor.
(c) Meditating.
(d) Straightening nails.

10. In Chapter 122, what does Etienne suggest is at the heart of his recent vivid dreams?
(a) A need to move.
(b) Sexual dissatisfaction.
(c) Professional frustration.
(d) Guilt over Maga.

11. In Chapter 78, Horacio becomes a salesman of what?
(a) Brandy.
(b) Gabardine.
(c) Typewriters.
(d) Encyclopedias.

12. Where is Horacio at the very end of the first book?
(a) A police wagon.
(b) His flat.
(c) Under a bridge.
(d) A cafe.

13. What is significant about the hotel that Pola and Horacio go to in Chapter 92?
(a) It is the same one he took Maga to.
(b) It rents rooms by the hour.
(c) It is owned by her father.
(d) It is in the small town where Rocamadour lives.

14. Who does Horacio call to talk about his dream in Chapter 100?
(a) Etienne.
(b) La Maga.
(c) Traveler.
(d) Ossip.

15. Which two characters attempt to analyze Maga in Chapter 142?
(a) Ronald and Etienne.
(b) Ossip and Etienne.
(c) Ronald and Babs.
(d) Horacio and Ossip.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Ossip in Chapter 29, when did La Maga leave her flat and likely Paris?

2. Why is Morelli excited to see Horacio in Chapter 154?

3. What final instructions does Cortazar give for the end of the book?

4. Why does Horacio decide to move in with Gekrepten in Chapter 78?

5. What group of people do Horacio and Etienne watch while they wait to see Morelli in Chapter 155?

(see the answer keys)

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