Hopscotch Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Hopscotch Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 93, what does La Maga fear is becoming an obsession for Horacio?
(a) Dialectics.
(b) Parisian life.
(c) Her.
(d) Morelli.

2. Why is the Serpent Club often annoyed with La Maga?
(a) She dozes off during their debates.
(b) Her English and French are poor.
(c) She does not know the texts they discuss.
(d) She is keeping Horacio away from them.

3. Over time, what does La Maga fantasize Horacio will do during sex?
(a) Kill her.
(b) Cry.
(c) Tie her up.
(d) Say he loves her.

4. In Chapter 74, Morelli says that the true nonconformist is only concerned with what to things?
(a) Minutia and grand ideas.
(b) Freedom is self and freedom of society.
(c) Life and death.
(d) Love and hate.

5. What language is Chapter 68 written in?
(a) English.
(b) French.
(c) Esperanto.
(d) Gliglish.

6. What area of Paris is Horacio searching for La Maga in Chapter 1?
(a) Champs d'Elysee.
(b) Montparnasse.
(c) Montmartre.
(d) Ponts des Arts.

7. How does Ossip respond to Maga's simple question in Chapter 25?
(a) He laughs.
(b) He kisses her.
(c) He sighs.
(d) He ignores her.

8. What does Horacio admit to La Maga in Chapter 20?
(a) He is returning to Argentina.
(b) He suspects her of seeing Ossip.
(c) He thinks she is an idiot.
(d) He has another lover.

9. How does Guy Monod attempt to kill himself?
(a) He swallows garenal.
(b) He jumps from his second story window.
(c) He overdoses on heroin.
(d) He cuts his wrists.

10. How does the point of view change in Chapter 3?
(a) It becomes first person.
(b) It becomes third person.
(c) It switches from Horacio to Maga.
(d) It switches from Maga to Horacio.

11. What is Horacio doing in the dark in Chapter 28 when he discovers that Rocamadour has died?
(a) Getting an aspirin.
(b) Making mate.
(c) Changing a record.
(d) Lighting a cigarette.

12. In Chapter 84, which character does Horacio mention is gravely ill?
(a) Etienne.
(b) Pola.
(c) Rocamadour.
(d) Berthe Trepat.

13. What casual act of brutality does Ireneo commit in Chapter 120?
(a) He kicks a dog.
(b) He feeds a worm to a group of ants.
(c) He beats up a crippled boy.
(d) He sets fire to a shanty in Montenegro.

14. Why is Pola dying in Chapter 27?
(a) She is very old.
(b) She is run down by a car.
(c) She has typhus.
(d) She has breast cancer.

15. In Chapter 4, what new information about herself does La Maga tell Horacio?
(a) She came to Paris to find happiness.
(b) She is from Uruguay.
(c) She does not love him.
(d) She has a child.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is Ossip occupied in Chapter 11?

2. Whose favorite Morelli quote is Chapter 97?

3. What specific reason does Horacio have in Chapter 19 for believing Maga and Ossip are having an affair?

4. What does Maga tell Horacio when he leaves her flat at the end of Chapter 20?

5. In Chapter 109, how does Morelli say he tells a character's story?

(see the answer keys)

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