Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What does Hope overhear Lou Ellen complaining about?
2. What nationality is Yuri?
3. Why does G.T. claim not to have to worry about getting his hair in the food?
4. What does G.T. do to the driver when the hearse pulls up in front of the diner for the second time?
5. How many signatures does the board disqualify from G.T.'s initial petition?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why does Mayor Millstone want a picture with G.T.?
2. How does Millstone leave the diner after going there to have his picture taken with G.T.?
3. How does Braverman react when one of Millstone's supporters parks a hearse out in front of the diner?
4. How does Hope come about helping on G.T.'s campaign?
5. What attitude does G.T. take about the hearse parked in front of his diner?
6. What happens when a woman ask Mayor Millstone to release the name of his campaign contributors when he stops by the diner to have his picture taken with G.T.?
7. Why does Deena name Hope "Tulip"?
8. What happens between Deputy Babcock and the Carbinger brothers after Babcock finds them assaulting Hope?
9. Why does Addie's husband leave?
10. Why do Addie and Hope have to leave their restaurant in New York?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Analyze one of the female characters from "Hope Was Here" and discuss how she goes against traditional stereotypes of women in the text.
Essay Topic 2
Analyze at least 3 aspects of "Hope Was Here" that make the novel believable as well as what literary devices Bauer uses to create that level of believability OR analyze at least 3 aspects of "Hope Was Here" that make the novel unbelievable as well as what literary devices Bauer does not use effectively to create a level of believability in the story.
Essay Topic 3
Analyze at least 3 different literary techniques Bauer uses to create tension in "Hope Was Here."
This section contains 803 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |