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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Hope Leslie’s comment that “‘It is a night,’ she continued, looking up at the bright moon, ‘to make one long to soar—so I will just spread my wings, and leave you to crawl on the earth’” (222) offers an example of which of the following?
2. What is the name of the indigenous leader at the dinner during which Winthrop welcomes Everell and Gardiner to Boston?
3. The comment that “‘It must be a dumb dog, indeed,’ replied the girl, ‘that cannot bark for such a kind mistress as thou art’” (190) offers an example of which of the following?
4. The term “propitious” carries which of the following meanings?
5. The comment that “In short, she was the petted lamb of the fold” (174) offers an example of which of the following?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why are Winthrop’s indigenous guests offended at the dinner when Everell and Gardiner arrive in Boston?
2. How does Magawisca disguise herself to meet with Hope Leslie in the graveyard?
3. What reasons does William Fletcher give for sending Hope Leslie to Boston at the Winthrops’ request?
4. What does Gardiner posit as justification for Madam Winthrop inveighing against laughter (265)?
5. What reasons does the narrator give for the Fletchers’ retention of Jennet despite her disagreeable qualities (194)?
6. What sounds reach Hope Leslie atop the mountain at Northampton (153)?
7. Summarize Hope Leslie’s reaction to Esther Downing’s comment that “we owe implicit deference to our elders and superiors;—we ought to be guided by their advice, and governed by their authority” (235).
8. Why, per the novel, is the Winthrop household put into disarray by Hope Leslie’s absence at the beginning of Volume II?
9. Consider Grafton’s comment that “this unlucky prayer-book is gnawed to mince-meat by the mice, and not another book in the library touched. I longed to commend the instinct of the little beasts, that knew what good food was” (266). What is the irony in her comment?
10. What activities does the narrator remark typify a Puritan Saturday evening (212)?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
What significance accrues to Magawisca’s mother’s assertion that “we can die before our enemies without a groan” (101)? What in the text supports that significance? How does it do so?
Essay Topic 2
Digby remarks that “It is one thing to know what danger is, and wish to shun it; and another thing to feel like you, fear-nought lads, that have never felt a twinge of pain, and have scarce a sense of your own mortality” (89). Does the novel agree or disagree with the assertion? What in the text indicates it? How does it do so?
Essay Topic 3
Consider the assessment that “a danger just escaped, is more fearful than one untried” (294). Is the assessment accurate? What in the text and/or in experience suggests whether it is or not? How does it do so?
This section contains 897 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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