Hope Leslie Test | Final Test - Medium

Catharine Maria Sedgwick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hope Leslie Test | Final Test - Medium

Catharine Maria Sedgwick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The term “propitious” carries which of the following meanings?
(a) Unfavorable.
(b) Apathetic.
(c) Favorable.
(d) Engaged.

2. With which of the following does Gardiner lodge in Boston (251)?
(a) John Winthrop.
(b) Thomas Cotton.
(c) William Hubbard.
(d) Daniel Maud.

3. For which of the following does Antonio mistake Hope Leslie as she makes her escape from Oneco and others (298)?
(a) Saint Demetria.
(b) Saint Teresa.
(c) Saint Catharina.
(d) Saint Ursula.

4. Where in England does Everell’s uncle Stretton live?
(a) Norfolk.
(b) York.
(c) Sussex.
(d) Suffolk.

5. How high does the novel note the tallest of Boston’s hills stands?
(a) 142 feet.
(b) 50 feet.
(c) 138 feet.
(d) 80 feet.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following tokens from Faith Leslie reaches Hope Leslie in Boston?

2. What reaction does Magawisca show to Hope Leslie’s revulsion at the idea of marriage to a member of the indigenous people (241)?

3. Who is the first to come upon Hope Leslie after she flees Esther and Everell on Digby’s island (271)?

4. Which of the following characters is Winthrop’s jailer?

5. Which of the following people returns Hope Leslie to the Winthrop household at the beginning of Volume II (227)?

Short Essay Questions

1. Whom does the narrator remark meet on equal footing in Sabbath services (213)?

2. What physical signs indicate Esther Downing’s upset after she and Hope Leslie return to the Winthrop residence after the reunion with Everell (186)?

3. What are the “Indian riches” in the hut where Magawisca and Faith Leslie are confined after the retreat from Bethel (140)?

4. What is Hope Leslie’s reaction to her own placing Esther Downing’s hand into Everell’s and commending them to one another on Digby’s island (270-71)?

5. What reasons does the narrator give for the Fletchers’ retention of Jennet despite her disagreeable qualities (194)?

6. What justification does the narrator give for the description of “a pilgrim mansion” (197) in the terms used in the novel?

7. What reasons does Gardiner note for betraying Magawisca as Hope Leslie meets with her and her own sister?

8. What reasons does Digby’s wife give against Hope Leslie going out for a nighttime walk on the island?

9. How is Pynchon reported to have deduced Hope Leslie’s involvement in Nelema’s escape?

10. What reasons does William Fletcher give for sending Hope Leslie to Boston at the Winthrops’ request?

(see the answer keys)

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