Hope Leslie Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Catharine Maria Sedgwick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hope Leslie Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Catharine Maria Sedgwick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Volume II, Chapters 1 through 8.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is Magawisca doing when Hope Leslie first meets her in the graveyard?
(a) Standing.
(b) Pacing.
(c) Kneeling.
(d) Hanging.

2. Whose scalp does the indigenous man who accompanies Digby to the Fletcher home carry (72)?
(a) Mononotto.
(b) Samoset.
(c) Oneco.
(d) Sassacus.

3. Which of the following figures does Gardiner call an “old friend and patron” (252)?
(a) Thomas Morton.
(b) Thomas Malory.
(c) John Winthrop.
(d) John Bunyan.

4. What does the novel report as the reason Esther Downing’s father refuses to come to New England (260)?
(a) Inability to find a good marriage for himself.
(b) Inability to find good bagels.
(c) Inability to find good marriages for his daughters.
(d) Inability to find good marriages for his sons.

5. What reaction does Magawisca show to Hope Leslie’s revulsion at the idea of marriage to a member of the indigenous people (241)?
(a) Contempt.
(b) Agreement.
(c) Confusion.
(d) Happiness.

Short Answer Questions

1. The comment that “Such men, inexperienced in the business of life, are like children” (60) offers an example of which of the following?

2. How many days does it take Mononotto’s party to reach the Husatonick after raiding Bethel?

3. Which of the following character types does Karcher claim Cooper brought into American fiction?

4. Representatives of what tribe are present at the dinner during which Winthrop welcomes Everell and Gardiner to Boston?

5. Which of the following does Karcher note typifies Sedgwick’s notion of “peaceful coexistence and mutually beneficial exchanges of goods and services” (22) between indigenous and settler populations?

(see the answer key)

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