Hope Leslie Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Catharine Maria Sedgwick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hope Leslie Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Catharine Maria Sedgwick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Volume I, Chapters 1 through 6.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following character types does Karcher claim Cooper brought into American fiction?
(a) The SEAL.
(b) The cowboy.
(c) The rebel soldier.
(d) The frontiersman.

2. Which of the following at Bethel are described as “the first civilized inhabitants of the country, of their tribe” (110)?
(a) Eagles.
(b) Vultures.
(c) Chickens.
(d) Songbirds.

3. With which of the following does Karcher compare Hope Leslie (32)?
(a) Hawthorne’s Prynne.
(b) Poe’s Montresor.
(c) Cooper’s Hawkeye.
(d) Irving’s Van Winkle.

4. How many Pequod were estimated by the settlers to have been killed in the Pequod War?
(a) 700.
(b) 600.
(c) 500.
(d) 400.

5. Which of the following refers to Sedgwick’s native social group?
(a) The River Rats.
(b) The Lords of the Realm.
(c) The Boston Brahmins.
(d) The River Gods.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following is the birth-name of Faith Leslie?

2. In what year does the United States government sign a treaty to “civilize” indigenous peoples east of the Mississippi River?

3. About whom does Hope inquire first upon reaching Bethel (119)?

4. Which of the following does Karcher exempt from her discussion of family lost in massacre (21)?

5. Which of the following does Karcher remark was a major reason settlers gave for dispossessing Native Americans in what is now New England (30)?

(see the answer key)

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