Hope Leslie Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Catharine Maria Sedgwick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hope Leslie Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Catharine Maria Sedgwick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Volume II, Chapters 1 through 8.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is the vendor selling who calls upon the Winthrop household before Hope Leslie goes out at night (236)?
(a) Beadwork.
(b) Bark-cloth.
(c) Moccasins.
(d) Pemmican.

2. To what city were the Pequod captives taken?
(a) Salem.
(b) Boston.
(c) Cambridge.
(d) Springfield.

3. Which of the following people returns Hope Leslie to the Winthrop household at the beginning of Volume II (227)?
(a) Gardiner.
(b) Cradock.
(c) Everell.
(d) Jennet.

4. The comment that “Such men, inexperienced in the business of life, are like children” (60) offers an example of which of the following?
(a) Analogy.
(b) Simile.
(c) Metaphor.
(d) Conceit.

5. The term “propitious” carries which of the following meanings?
(a) Favorable.
(b) Engaged.
(c) Apathetic.
(d) Unfavorable.

Short Answer Questions

1. The comment that “There she met Hope Leslie—a bright gay spirit—an allegro to her penseroso” (192) offers an example of which of the following?

2. In what color bodice does Hope dress for dinner with the Winthrops, Everell, and Gardiner upon the evening of the arrival of the latter two (194)?

3. How many, including Mononotto, attack Bethel?

4. How long does it take William Fletcher to get to Boston from the area of Springfield to retrieve Hope and Faith Leslie?

5. In the context of the novel, the term “congeniality” carries which of the following meanings (53)?

(see the answer key)

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