Hoot Test | Final Test - Easy

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Hoot Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the main message of Roy’s mom’s talk with him in Chapter Thirteen?
(a) Roy’s parents were disappointed in him.
(b) She didn’t believe Roy.
(c) Roy was in trouble for lying.
(d) Roy’s parents were proud of him.

2. What item of his mother’s did Roy’s plan to stop the construction involve?
(a) Her wallet.
(b) Her sewing machine.
(c) Her driver’s license.
(d) Her camera.

3. What did Roy tell his mom about Mullet Fingers’ mom, which greatly concerned her?
(a) That Mullet Fingers’ mom had abused him.
(b) That Mullet Fingers’ mom lied to him.
(c) That Mullet Fingers’ mom had named him Mullet Fingers.
(d) That Mullet Fingers’ mom didn’t want him.

4. Who interrupted Roy’s interview with Kelly Colfax?
(a) dana.
(b) Roy’s dad.
(c) Roy's mom.
(d) Garrett.

5. What did Officer Delinko feel when he realized what would happen to the owls if the construction moved forward?
(a) Indifference.
(b) Confusion.
(c) Depression.
(d) Sorrow.

6. On what did Beatrice’s dad write her permission note to attend the groundbreaking ceremony?
(a) A napkin.
(b) Graphing paper.
(c) A piece of cardboard.
(d) A colored sticky note.

7. What did Roy hear when he prepared to knock on Beatrice’s front door for the first time?
(a) A car honking.
(b) Arguing coming from inside.
(c) Snoring coming from inside.
(d) Owls hooting.

8. What book did Roy read after speaking with his father?
(a) Never Never Land.
(b) Of Mice and Men.
(c) A Land Remembered.
(d) The Great Gatsby.

9. Where did Roy send Dana to pick up the hidden object(s)?
(a) Roy’s house.
(b) Beatrice’s house.
(c) The police station.
(d) The Mother Paula’s construction site.

10. How many kids from Roy’s history class showed up at the groundbreaking ceremony?
(a) No one.
(b) Three kids.
(c) Half the class.
(d) One kid.

11. When Beatrice was missing at school in Chapter Seventeen, where did her friend tell Roy she is?
(a) The doctor.
(b) No one knows.
(c) At home sick.
(d) The dentist.

12. What was the last day Kimberly Lou Dixon was available to Mother Paula’s?
(a) Wednesday.
(b) Friday.
(c) Tuesday.
(d) Monday.

13. According to Lonna, what was Beatrice busy doing when Roy came to her house?
(a) Talking on the phone.
(b) Laundry.
(c) Homework.
(d) Cleaning.

14. What did Curly find in the dirt at the construction site in Chapter Sixteen?
(a) A wallet.
(b) Change.
(c) Footprints.
(d) His gun.

15. What was missing from the file Roy’s dad copied?
(a) Land ownership papers.
(b) A certificate to build.
(c) An E.O.I.
(d) An E.I.S.

Short Answer Questions

1. What tool did Mullet Fingers ask Roy to bring with him that night, should Roy decide to meet up with him?

2. Roy offered to tell Dana where what is hidden, if Dana agrees to never beat him up again?

3. During what class in school did Roy tell about the owls?

4. How did Roy’s mom feel about him leaving school to go to the groundbreaking ceremony?

5. How many hours was Officer Delinko on duty the night before the groundbreaking ceremony?

(see the answer keys)

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