Homeless Bird Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Homeless Bird Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What best describes the train ride that Koly and Sass take to Delhi?

2. What happens when Sass decides to sell the Tagore book for some extra money?

3. After Mr. Das chastises Koly for copying someone else's design, what does she embroider for him?

4. Where does Sassur go when Sass tries to speak to him regarding difficulties in the house in Chapter 6?

5. What surprises and confuses Koly on her ride with the benefactor of the widow's home the day after that lady comments on her good embroidery skills?

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain why Sass sells her house.

2. Describe Koly's introduction to Maa Kamala's home.

3. Explain Sassur's feelings regarding computers.

4. Describe how Koly's feelings of loneliness change after moving in to Maa Kamala's.

5. Describe Koly's financial situation in Chapter 8.

6. Describe Koly and Sass's first interaction with the rickshaw driver.

7. How and why does Koly try to please Sass after Chandra is gone?

8. What happens when Koly cannot find Sass at the temple after taking the 50 rupees to buy lunch?

9. How does the rickshaw driver help Koly in Chapter 8?

10. Describe Raji's plans for the future as he describes them to Koly in Chapter 9.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The metaphor of Koly as a homeless bird has significance in many places of the story. Choose one of the options below to write about.

1) Analyze the use of animals in the novel to symbolize Koly's plight, to ease her loneliness, and to serve other purposes.

2) Choose two other characters and use a metaphor to describe their situations in the story. Use examples to explain your choices.

3) Describe how Koly's journey towards freedom required her to break out of many cages.

Essay Topic 2

Sass is depicted as the epitome of an evil mother-in-law, while Sassur seems to be the stereotypical weak husband who lets his wife make all the decisions.

1) What would happen differently in the story if Sass was kind and yielding, and Sassur bitter and resentful toward Koly?

2) What positive outcomes are there for Koly that stem from negative events between her and Sass? Be specific.

3) Sass and Koly end up in the same position, as widows, yet Sass does not seem to soften her heart to Koly at all. Does Sass deserve to end up in this position? What do you predict lies in her future?

Essay Topic 3

Consider the use of irony and foreshadowing with the following events:

1) Sass's abandonment of Koly.

2) Koly's desire to run away from her marriage and from Sass's home.

3) Sassur's decision to break tradition and teach Koly to read.

(see the answer keys)

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