Homegoing Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Yaa Gyasi
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Homegoing Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Yaa Gyasi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter Four: "Ness" .

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Tansi comfort Esi?
(a) By telling her stories of Anansi and the kente cloth.
(b) By brushing Esi's hair.
(c) By telling her that the soldiers will kill them if they are loud.
(d) By singing songs in Twi.

2. How is Esi captured by the warrior?
(a) He throws rocks at her until she falls from the tree.
(b) He catches her in a net.
(c) He sets the tree on fire and waits for her to come down.
(d) He shoots her with a British gun.

3. Why do the Northerners begin to scar the faces of their children?
(a) To make them more attractive to the opposite sex.
(b) To show off their tribal art.
(c) To instill respect for their elders.
(d) To make them too ugly to be sold.

4. What was Ness's original name?
(a) Esi.
(b) Maame.
(c) Nana.
(d) Effia.

5. Why does the Devil beat Ness the first time?
(a) Sam blames her for his lack of English.
(b) She takes the blame for Sam's destruction.
(c) The Devil does not like her use of Twi.
(d) She is insolent with the Devil.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Thomas Allan Stockham's plantation?

2. During what year does Quey's story take place?

3. Why do the English men call their African wives "wenches?"

4. Why do Ness and Sam marry?

5. What is special about Millicent?

(see the answer key)

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