Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. In what sport does Joey participate?
2. Why does Max say that when Sam gets married, he should bring his bride home?
3. On what subject does Lenny ask Max for advice?
4. What does Sam say to Max about why Sam helped take care of Jessie?
5. How are Teddy and Ruth related to Max?
Short Essay Questions
1. During the argument over the glass of water, what does Ruth dare Lenny to do?
2. What does Lenny ask his father about the night he was conceived?
3. Max threatens violence toward his son Lenny at different points in the play; give one example.
4. When Max comes downstairs complaining of noise, what kind of an explanation does Lenny give?
5. What is the relationship between Max and Rose and what two other characters have the same relationship?
6. Who is Jessie and what do we learn about her at the beginning of the play?
7. Which characters, although not seen onstage, are mentioned frequently throughout the play, and how is each related to Max?
8. Just after they arrive at the house, what does Teddy reassure Ruth about?
9. The first time Lenny is alone with Ruth, what kinds of personal information does he share with her?
10. "The Homecoming" takes place in an old London house where four men live. Who are these men and how are they related to each other?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Discuss Teddy's acceptance of the photograph of his grandfather. Explain when the incident takes place and give two interpretations of why the playwright might have included this incident.
Essay Topic 2
Compare and contrast the characters of Max and Sam, two brothers who seem to represent totally opposite values. Include specific examples of their differences and their attitudes toward each other.
Essay Topic 3
Analyze the character of Sam, giving several examples which exemplifies why, although he is a symbol of goodness in the play, he is so ineffective at trying to mediate when it comes to family squabbles.
This section contains 577 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |