The Homecoming Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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The Homecoming Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Max comes downstairs, what does he say woke him?
(a) Joey and Lenny arguing
(b) Lenny shouting at Ruth as she leaves.
(c) Loud music coming from the radio
(d) Teddy and Ruth arguing

2. On what subject does Lenny ask Max for advice?
(a) Dating a girl
(b) Finding a new job
(c) Betting on a horse
(d) Buying a used car

3. What do Lenny and Max bicker about?
(a) Lenny's chores
(b) Paying for groceries
(c) The leaking roof
(d) Max's cooking

4. When Lenny comes downstairs, what reason does he give for not being able to sleep?
(a) Lenny says he is too worried to sleep.
(b) Lenny says there is something ticking that is keeping him awake.
(c) Lenny says he is having nightmares.
(d) Lenny says it is too cold in his room.

5. What does Teddy tell Ruth about the house?
(a) Teddy says he was born in the house.
(b) Teddy says that five generations have lived in the house.
(c) Teddy says that he has never liked the house.
(d) Teddy says the house is about to be sold.

Short Answer Questions

1. After she finishes her water, where does Ruth go?

2. What does Lenny tell Ruth about a diseased prostitute?

3. How long ago did Teddy move out of the family home?

4. What does Ruth dare Lenny to do?

5. Abandoning his search for the scissors, Max lights a cigarette he has gotten from where?

Short Essay Questions

1. What evidence do we have that Max dominates his brother Sam, as well as his own sons?

2. Explain how Sam feels about his performance at work.

3. Lenny says he envies Teddy for what reasons?

4. When Teddy arrives at his family's home, what does he find unchanged?

5. Just after they arrive at the house, what does Teddy reassure Ruth about?

6. When Lenny first greets his brother, why does the conversation involve a clock?

7. "The Homecoming" takes place in an old London house where four men live. Who are these men and how are they related to each other?

8. What story Lenny tells Ruth after he has asked to hold her hand?

9. When Max comes downstairs complaining of noise, what kind of an explanation does Lenny give?

10. After Lenny tells Ruth the story about a violent act he once committed, what story does he then tell Ruth about about an old woman?

(see the answer keys)

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