The Homecoming Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Homecoming Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After chastising Teddy for bringing Ruth into his house, who does Max ask to throw Ruth and Teddy out?
(a) Joey
(b) The neighbor
(c) Sam
(d) Lenny

2. To whom does Max compare Sam?
(a) Joey
(b) MacGregor
(c) Lenny
(d) Himself (Max)

3. When Teddy comes downstairs after his father and brothers have come home from the gym, what does Max ask him?
(a) If he will put out the fire in the fireplace
(b) If he is going to fight his brothers
(c) If he's leaving soon
(d) If he's going to pay rent on the room he's using

4. When Joey, Max, and Lenny return home from the gym on the afternoon of the second day, what does Joey do?
(a) Argues with Teddy
(b) Takes Ruth to the sofa and kisses her
(c) Reminds Lenny not to light fires in the fireplace
(d) Goes upstairs

5. When Max hits Joey in the stomach because Joey doesn't obey him, who moves to help Joey?
(a) Lenny
(b) Sam
(c) Ruth
(d) Teddy

6. Which of the following characters has been discussed but has never appeared on stage?
(a) Sam
(b) Lenny
(c) Joey
(d) Jessie

7. What does Ruth say Teddy was nervous about before they came to the family home for this visit?
(a) Ruth says Teddy was nervous about traveling.
(b) Ruth says Teddy was nervous about seeing his family.
(c) Ruth says Teddy was nervous about the money they spent on the trip.
(d) Ruth says Teddy was nervous that Max wouldn't like her.

8. After Max criticizes Sam about his contributions to the family, what does Sam suggest that Max do?
(a) Sam suggests they all go to a football game.
(b) Sam suggests that Max get over his resentment.
(c) Sam suggests that Max finish washing the dishes.
(d) Sam suggests they wake everyone up.

9. Just after Teddy comes downstairs on the afternoon of their second day at the house, what do Lenny and Ruth do as Teddy watches?
(a) They light a fire in the fireplace.
(b) They slow dance and kiss.
(c) They look at photos together.
(d) They go into the kitchen together.

10. What does Max say about whether or not he followed his father's wishes?
(a) Max said he left home.
(b) Max said he decided it wasn't his responsibility.
(c) Max said he resented what his father asked him.
(d) Max said he did what his father asked.

11. The first time Max meets Ruth, what doe Teddy tell Max about her?
(a) Teddy tells Max that Ruth is his girlfriend.
(b) Teddy says that he is planning to just stay overnight.
(c) Teddy tells Max that Ruth is his wife.
(d) Teddy tells Max that he lives in New York.

12. Ruth reveals to Lenny that she was born where?
(a) In Australia
(b) Nearby
(c) In America
(d) In France

13. What do Sam, Teddy. Joey, and Lenny do after Max physically abuses Sam?
(a) Everyone looks at Ruth.
(b) Everyone is still.
(c) Everyone places blame where they think it is due.
(d) Everyone leaves the room.

14. When Lenny re-enters the room after Teddy and Ruth have had their private discussion, what kind of small talk does Ruth engage in with Lenny?
(a) She talks about how the living room is decorated.
(b) She talks about a certain kind of shoe she is fond of.
(c) She talks about how the weather is changing.
(d) She talks about an article she read in the paper.

15. After Lenny mocks Teddy's inability to answer his question, what subject does the conversation change to?
(a) Violence in families
(b) The importance of the study of anantomy
(c) The high price of clothing
(d) How words and actions relate to each other

Short Answer Questions

1. While Max is questioning Teddy about when he plans to leave, how does Joey interact with Ruth?

2. What does Teddy tell Max about his life with Ruth?

3. After the conversation with Ruth in which he asks her to go home with him, what does Teddy do?

4. On the morning after Teddy and Ruth's arrival, just before Max invites Joey to go out with him for the afternoon, what does Max complain about?

5. How many children does Ruth have?

(see the answer keys)

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